John Compton
Political Scientist. Author of The Evangelical Origins of the Living Constitution (Harvard, 2014) and The End of Empathy (OUP, 2020).
ID: 1073836145635540992
15-12-2018 07:04:22
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Very happy to announce that my book, The End of Empathy, received honorable mention for the 2021 APSA Hubert Morken Award. I’m especially grateful to the many APSA Religion & Politics Section 11 members who provided feedback along the way.…
For all the talk of progressive evangelicals, Ryan Burge 📊 wanted to take a deep dive. How big is this group? And, what do they actually believe about policy?…
This article of mine (with Chloe Thurston) illustrates Jonathan Ladd's point about how abortion politics evolved from divisions along denominational lines to partisan ones. California was ahead of the curve. Retweeting, as they say, for no particular reason.
Very happy to see this review of THE END OF EMPATHY from @GaryAdlerJr in the JSSR: "The book is a great example of mixed-method historical scholarship... It is a must-read to understand what happened [to cause the rise of modern evangelicalism] and why.”…
Starting off 2022 with a bang, Paul Djupe shows that the common report that Americans don't want rel and pol mixing is just wrong - they just don't want other people's religion mixing with their politics. And support grows with perceived threat.…
I'm excited about this event next Monday (2/7) with new research on religious authority from survey experiments in MENA (a.kadir yildirim) along with a panel discussing the paper and the concept from their research perspectives (Amy Erica Smith, John Compton, and me). Join us!
Reading John Compton's book on rise and fall of mainline ecumenical activism. Striking how growth in local councils of churches helped advance the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
Happy to share that my article, “Manufacturing a Protestant Consensus: Religion and Regime Entrenchment in the Eisenhower Era,” is now in first view in Studies in American Political Development (SAPD)…
When I talk about the end times, I get asked two questions: Aren't there different schools with very different worldviews? And aren't end times believers apathetic because the end is near? I'm now giving my answers to these questions with new data. 1/6…
Happy to announce the publication of “How Does Party Position Change Happen? The case of LGBT Rights in the U.S.” in Political Research Quarterly !🧵… Ungated version:…
For 70 years, surveys asked “What is your present religion, if any?” This presumes responses describe the church they attend. But what if not? *They find 20% say it does not* in a new open access article JSSRjournal Paul Djupe Ryan Burge 📊 @docchrisg…