Jessie Ling Ai, Wong
PhD Candidate at @dukenus 🔬🥼 Studying breast cancer brain metastasis 🧫
ID: 1324292461246599169
05-11-2020 10:09:04
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The Sept issue also highlights the @IUBMB_Trainee Initiative! First we meet current members of the Leadership Committee, learning what motivates Mihaela Jovanović, Jessie Ling Ai, Wong, Aishatu Muhammad Malami and Cathy Cozma, trainees themselves, to support trainees around the world.

An anti-CRISPR that (quite literally) deconstructs #CRISPR – was a pleasure spotlighting this latest discovery from the Davidson Lab in Molecular Cell, with Peter Fineran. Speculation included! authors.elsevier.com/a/1jjHE3vVUPRm…

"Tumors are wounds that do not heal" A seminal quote from Dvorak (1986) referring to epithelial cancers We now report in Cancer Cell that #scars also drive #recurrence in #brain tumors ⏬ And if you're curious to read more 🤔 news.unil.ch/display/172589… ludwigcancerresearch.org/news-releases/…