Jack Macdonald
Camas High School • 6’2 175 WR/DB • C/O 2025 • 10.91 100m • 4.47 40 yd dash • 3.5 GPA • 360-605-7549 ➕RIP Grandpa➕
ID: 1323379320228753408
https://www.hudl.com/v/2N9ztZ 02-11-2020 21:40:05
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School record today. 10.91. Improving each day! Brandon Huffman Joe Papermaker

#Papermakers playing Saturdays 🏈 August 29th game #UniversityOfBuffalo 30 #Lafayette 13 (1-0, 0-0) Next Game: at #Missouri Sept., 7th, 7pm Tristan Souza Jr., DL 3 tackles, 2 solo, 1 TFL #PapermakerPride #WeAreCamas #UBhornUP 🤘🏻

.Camas Papermakers Football QB Jake Davidson with his 3rd of 5 TD passes on the day. Jack Macdonald makes a great leaping catch. This TD put Camas up 20 - 0 (the score at the half) Davidson went 19/25 for 231 & the 5TD's. Macdonald had 4 rec for 80 yards and 2 TD's, in the 33-14 win.

I see you lil bro keep stacking games #Rollmakers Jack Macdonald

After a great talk with Dan Jackson and Jason Eck I’m very grateful to receive my first division 1 offer from the university of Idaho #govandals Adam C. Mathieson, CAA Camas Papermakers Football Brandon Huffman Greg Biggins Jordan Johnson Paul Gregorian

week 1-4 highlights. 17 TDs 928 yds 4-0 Adam C. Mathieson, CAA Spencer Phillips Camas Papermakers Football Brandon Huffman hudl.com/v/2QEzwy