Jaap van Slageren (@jslageren) 's Twitter Profile
Jaap van Slageren


Assistant Professor Human Geography & Spatial Planning @UU. Sociologist by training: Populism | Democratic values | Voting | Educ cleavage | Meritocracy

ID: 1176109838578978824

calendar_today23-09-2019 12:30:07

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Jonathan Mijs (@jonathanmijs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why do people maintain that theirs is a meritocratic society? In Social Forces, Adaner Usmani & I present a *sociological simulation* to show how the same social forces that produce inequality also distort people’s ability to see it for what it is academic.oup.com/sf/advance-art… (1/9)

Why do people maintain that theirs is a meritocratic society? 

In <a href="/SF_Journal/">Social Forces</a>, Adaner Usmani &amp; I present a *sociological simulation* to show how the same social forces that produce inequality also distort people’s ability to see it for what it is academic.oup.com/sf/advance-art… (1/9)
Kim van Keken (@kimvankeken) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Prima en scherpe analyse van Chris Aalberts. Het zou mooi zijn als er echt een reflectie komt en een debat over de rol van de parlementaire pers. chrisaalberts.nl/2024/07/27/nor…

Toni Rodon (@tonirodon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Those who study arts, humanities and social science become significantly more socially liberal than those who study other subjects. The same pattern is reversed for STEM graduates, who demonstrate a weaker liberalising effect journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00…

Willem de Koster (@willemdekoster) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to know how we liberated embodied cultural capital from its deus ex machina status? Read our new publication "Advancing Stratification Research by Measuring Non-declarative Cultural Capital" #openaccess in American Sociological Review journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00…

Want to know how we liberated embodied cultural capital from its deus ex machina status? 

Read our new publication "Advancing Stratification Research by Measuring Non-declarative Cultural Capital" #openaccess in <a href="/ASR_Journal/">American Sociological Review</a> 

John B. Holbein (@johnholbein1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"We find no evidence that preregistration in itself reduces p-hacking and publication bias." But... "When preregistration is accompanied by a preanalysis plan we find evidence consistent with both reduced p-hacking and reduced publication bias."

"We find no evidence that preregistration in itself reduces p-hacking and publication bias."


"When preregistration is accompanied by a preanalysis plan we find evidence consistent with both reduced p-hacking and reduced publication bias."
Prof. Sarah de Lange (@sldelange) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"We find that voters for populist radical right parties hold national stories that emphasize conflict and exclusion. These Boundary stories frame other nations as outgroups, reinforcing separation between them and the national ingroup."

Kai Arzheimer 🇪🇺 (@kai_arzheimer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📚 Tomorrow (16:15 Newman Building, Room: F102) I'm presenting a paper that brings together 2 of my favourite obsessions: #religion and the #farright. It's been a long time in the making and I'm very happy to finally bring it to #ecprgc24. But if you can't make it, here is a 🧵

📚 Tomorrow (16:15 Newman Building, Room: F102) I'm presenting a paper that brings together 2 of my favourite obsessions: #religion and the #farright. It's been a long time in the making and I'm very happy to finally bring it to #ecprgc24. But if you can't make it, here is a 🧵
EJPR journal (@ejprjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📘 August issue How do voters react to local school and hospital closures? 🗳️ Using data from 🇩🇰 from 2005-2019, Niels Nyholt finds that mayors lose support 📉 and right-wing #populist parties increase their support 📈 bit.ly/44xDSRY #OA #VotingBehaviour

Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Es ist wirklich wichtig, dass sich dieses Narrativ nicht etabliert. Es wäre ein großes Misverständnis der Wählerschaft des BSW. Warum ist diese Interpretation problematisch? 1) Viel mehr Leute haben bei der BTW 2021 CDU+SPD gewählt als andere Parteien. Die Grundwahrscheinlichkeit

Cas Mudde (@casmudde) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Since Matthijs Rooduijn started The PopuList initiative, it has become broadly used inside and outside of academia. In this new article, The PopuList team lays out the methodology underlying the dataset.

Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Incredibly happy to share that I have just been promoted to Full Professor at the University of Oxford. This would have been impossible without the support of so many people over the years. So this is also a moment to say thank you to everyone. I am immensely grateful ❤️

Incredibly happy to share that I have just been promoted to Full Professor at the University of Oxford.
This would have been impossible without the support of so many people over the years. So this is also a moment to say thank you to everyone. I am immensely grateful ❤️
Cas Mudde (@casmudde) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reading Tip! I get the impression that this excellent article by Tom van der Meer & Bastiaan Rijpkema has not gotten the readership it deserves. Essential reading for people concerned about democratic erosion! cambridge.org/core/journals/…

merelfieremans (@merelfieremans) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 Thrilled to share that our latest article, co-authored with Silvia Erzeel, Anne Van Bavel, Benjamin Blanckaert, and Didier Caluwaerts is out now in Frontiers - Political Science 🥳🥳🥳 👉Read it here: frontiersin.org/journals/polit…

🚨 Thrilled to share that our latest article, co-authored with Silvia Erzeel, <a href="/AnneVanBavel/">Anne Van Bavel</a>, <a href="/benjamin_blanck/">Benjamin Blanckaert</a>, and Didier Caluwaerts is out now in <a href="/FrontPolSci/">Frontiers - Political Science</a> 🥳🥳🥳

👉Read it here: frontiersin.org/journals/polit…
Evert Meijers (@evertmeijers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Afgelegde km’s per spoor bepaalt prijs treintraject. Mijn pleidooi ⁦⁦NRC⁩ varieer prijs obv kwaliteit die ⁦NS⁩ biedt per traject: punctualiteit, zitplaatskans, frequentie, snelheid, voorzieningen aan boord en op stations, omrijdfactor etc nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/08…

Léonie de Jonge / @L_deJonge@akademienl.social (@l_dejonge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎶Highly recommend this fantastic edited volume on "Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe" by Melanie Schiller & Mario Dunkel. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of culture and politics.📚 And it's open access!🔓 routledge.com/Popular-Music-…

🎶Highly recommend this fantastic edited volume on "Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe" by <a href="/Mel_Schiller/">Melanie Schiller</a> &amp; Mario Dunkel. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of culture and politics.📚 And it's open access!🔓
Francesco Colombo (@colombofranc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper with Peter Thisted Dinesen and Kim Sønderskov just published (open access) in EJPR journal: doi.org/10.1111/1475-6… We study the connection between local economic inequality and political system support - and find no systematic relationship. 1/3

Asher van der Schelde (@ashervdschelde) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧵De afgelopen maanden publiceerden (Inter)nationale media over een ‘conservatisme-kloof’ tussen jonge mannen en vrouwen die groter zou zijn dan voorheen. Om deze claim in Nederland te testen voerden wij, Ipsos I&O Publiek, een opinieonderzoek uit in opdracht van EW

🧵De afgelopen maanden publiceerden (Inter)nationale media over een  ‘conservatisme-kloof’ tussen jonge mannen en vrouwen die groter zou zijn dan voorheen. Om deze claim in Nederland te testen voerden wij, <a href="/IpsosNLpubliek/">Ipsos I&O Publiek</a>, een opinieonderzoek uit in opdracht van <a href="/ewmagazinenl/">EW</a>