250,000 Americans die each year from #medicalerrors. We collaborate with patients, families, and health care providers to create a culture of #patientsafety.
ID: 22905916
http://www.josieking.org 05-03-2009 10:45:59
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This are great #patientsafety resources for patients from Martin Hatlie, JD JosieKingFoundation (and Patient Safety Movement Foundation, AHRQ) Smart Patients #AskTheExpert conversation about patient safety (you have to join the online community to follow to protect pt privacy): conversations.smartpatients.com/conversations/…

We’re proud to be part of Mediaplanet USA’s Patient Safety campaign! Hear from the experts and advocates working to reduce incidents of medical error in healthcare, which is the third leading cause of death in the US futureofpersonalhealth.com/campaign/patie…

We're so happy to share the stories of some recent Josie King Hero Award recipients at UMass Memorial Health Memorial Medical Center! Congratulations and thank you for all you do to keep patients safe. #patientsafety#josiesstory#heroaward

4/29/21 Sorrel/JKF will share Josie's Story Mary Washington Healthcare #patientsafety #JosiesStory #patientexperinceweek #Fredericksburg, VA #Washington

Congrats to Angela , recipient JosieKingFoundation Award for her commitment to #patientsafety & #highreliability Angela ensured the right resources and processes were in place to provide the right care to her patient. Grateful you are part #ucdavisnurses #ucdavisnursing #youbelonghere

7/29/21 - Sorrel/JKF will present UC Davis' Virtual Women and Children’s Seminar and share Josie's Story with over 250 nurse leaders and educators from all of the University of California hospitals that care for women and children. UC Davis Med Center

8/5/21 Sorrel/JKF will present at the MOLN 20th Annual Nurse Educator Convention. She will share Josie's Story with nurse educators/deans & directors from schools of nursing at all levels. SK will focus on the importance of patient /family-centered care patient safety.MO League Nursing

3/17/2022 - Sorrel/ JKF will speak during UCSF Health Patient Safety Week, Grand Rounds a virtual event. She will share #JosiesStory and emphasize the importance of #safepractices, #goodteamwork, #communication, #transparency, #patientfamilycenteredcare,#goodculture

9.28.22 Sorrel/JKF head to Memphis, TN to speak at The Feurt Symposium sponsored by The University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Over 150 students will be in the audience at the symposium, whose theme is The Human Side of Medication Errors. #josiesstory#patientsafety#Medicationerrors#Memphis

3/23/23, the Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA) will partner with the Office of Interprofessional Education WVU Mountaineers to host "Josie's Story" presented by Sorrel King#patientsafety#JosiesStory#WVU

9/14/23 - Sorrel/JKF will present UT Health East Texas Leadership Conference "Mission Zero: Don't Harm Me". Sorrel will talk about communication, teamwork & a culture of patient safety along with sharing Josie's Story w/over 300 hospital leaders #patientsafety #JosiesStory#MissionZero

Oct 10&11 Sorrel/JKF present BAYADA Home Health Care's White Shoes Clinical Leadership Symposium. Sorrel will talk about communication, teamwork, & a culture of patient safety along with sharing Josie's Story. 150+ nurses & therapists will be in attendance each day.#patientsafety#ThisIsBAYADA

3/12/24 - Sorrel/JKF will share Josie's Story and the work of the Josie King Foundation with over 200 healthcare professionals at Huntsville Hospital's Patient Safety Symposium. #JosiesStory#patientsafety#Huntsville

3/20/24 - Sorrel/JKF will share Josie's Story & the work of the Josie King Foundation with over 700 healthcare leaders at Ballad Health's Leadership Meeting. Sorrel will elaborate on her vision of "Mission Zero: Don't Harm Me" #patientsafety#JosiesStory#Kingsport