Hambric Newsflash
Ruth Taylor Jane Hambric Principal Isaiah 40:31
ID: 3368175557
09-07-2015 19:19:05
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354 Following

RYAN ESTRADA!!! 🥞’s & 🏎️

Listen to the sounds of Hambric Park!! 😊Our Get Your Teach On week of exploration and discovery has only begun!!!🦖🦕 Hambric Newsflash Monika Seelig Ruiz Michelle Escajeda #ALLIN

Amazing! Dinosaurs loose Hambric Newsflash Park! 🦖

Great job to El Dorado HS presenting the All in spotlight at leadership. Thank you for highlighting the collaboration & customer service that takes place to take care of all students #TeamSISD #Allin Venessa Betancourt

COACH OF THE WEEK- Congratulations to Frank Martinez, this week’s HTXHSFBCA Coach of the Week sponsored by Texas Way! Coach Martinez has orchestrated a huge turnaround at ElDoradoHighSchool as they remain undefeated this Fall! Best of luck the rest of the way!

Get ready for the Hambric adventure! Our Hawks are #ALLIN 👏🤩 Coming this Fall break to Hambric Newsflash ✅high-levels of engagement 🗣️collaborative learning 🧠Brain Break

Happy Birthday RYAN ESTRADA from all the Hambric Hawks! 🥳

You know it’s going to be a great Friday when Aztecs Football shows up to welcome students! #DoingOurPart #8Tribes1Empire #HawkPride