Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul
We work to bring disaster risk management to the centre of urban policy and practice. We are part of the #TomorrowsCities global research @UrbanRiskHub.
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http://TomorrowsIstanbul.org 09-12-2019 11:58:28
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It’s heartbreaking news to hear untimely demise of such a special scientist Prof John McCloskey. Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul is in great sadness. Our sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues from Tomorrow's Cities Tomorrow's Cities
📊How can #opendata support African cities on their #resilience journey? ✨Community from "Co-creating Tomorrow's Cities" peer learning CGLU Afrique gathers to further explore available tools & resources for participatory risk-informed urban planning Tomorrow's Cities United Cities
In follow-up webinar, Tomorrow's Cities Tomorrow's Cities Emin_Yahya_Mentese, UCLG Learning, CGLU Afrique share lessons from workshops held in Dar Es Salaam and look for steps forward, particularly focusing on Data Utilisation in #DRR
💬“Yarının kentlerini birlikte planlama noktasında, afet riskini azaltarak, bilimsel verilerden yola çıkarak ve en önemlisi de toplumun taleplerini dikkate alarak, yeni bir gelecek senaryosu kuruyoruz.” 🎙️Dr. Emin_Yahya_Mentese, Boğaziçi Üni., Araştırmacı
Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul exited to announce that Tomorrow’s Earthquake-Resilient Cities Exhibition opens its doors second time at İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality İstanbul Planlama Ajansı Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA) Florya Campus on Monday, February 19, 2024. #earthquake #Risk #DRR
On the first anniversary of Türkiye and Syria earthquakes, Tomorrow's Cities Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul kicks off the Tomorrow's Earthquake-Resilient Cities Exhibition once again today, at İstanbul Planlama Ajansı Florya Campus. İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi
We have started to see tangible outcomes of our research as Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul by taking important steps with Büyükçekmece Belediyesi Municipality for the integration of Tomorrow's Cities TCDSE into institutional urban planning processes to reduce disaster risks that the city faces.#DRR
📰What gap does Tomorrow's Cities Decision Support Environment - our flaghship #inclusive disaster #risk reduction urban planning framework & toolbox - fill? Together at The University of Edinburgh reflecting on the future of our Hub! Stay connected and find out! 🧐
A video documentary on Tomorrow's Rapti Valley (Deukhuri) City that showcases Tomorrow's Cities' efforts to help shape Future Rapti city is better planned, economically sustained, resilient to hazard risks and livable for all. Tomorrow's Cities NSET - Nepal youtu.be/YXbacF-AT64
👀Data visualisation is crucial for good #risk communication. The work done by Tomorrow's Cities Quito and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito is just amazing! Using data spanning 120 years, it reveals "hotspots" for landslides, floods, and mudslides in the city. More ⏬ tomorrowscities.org/risk-visualisa…
Our partners from NSET - Nepal just launched a beautiful video telling the story of how we've been working in Tomorrow's Cities Rapti to change the #future & make the city more resilient to the impacts of natural #hazards, safeguarding people and infrastructure! youtu.be/DLFM_fOmKss?si…
Japonya World Bank Understanding Risk #UR24'te disiplinler arası uzmanlardan oluşan Yarının Şehirleri Tomorrow's Cities ekibi dokuz şehirde beş yıl boyunca yürüttüğümüz çalışmaları paylaşıyor. Tüm gün sürecek etkinliğe sizleri de bekliyoruz 20 Haziran 2024 ⏰9:00 - 18:00 📍Küçük Oda
Today our colleague Sara Hoeflich with Tomorrow's Cities event in #UR24 moderating a panel on risk prevention and urban governance with UNDRR Sanjaya Batia, john stewart, UCLG ASPAC , jennie rose miranda Nepal and Takeshi from adrrn.net
🚨New paper This work began with many fruitful discussions over COVID lockdowns. Our findings underscore the need for integrated multi-hazard-risk strategies to enhance urban resilience, especially in growing cities with dynamic exposure & vulnerability. agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…
Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul & Büyükçekmece Belediyesi discussed with 60 representatives from 9 local municipalities of Istanbul that how important #inclusive and #risk-informed #urbanplanning implementation is in such a rapidly growing disaster-prone city.
Yarının İstanbul'u / Tomorrow's Istanbul ve Büyükçekmece Belediyesi İstanbul'un 9 yerel belediyesinden 60 temsilciyle, hızla büyüyen ve afetlere maruz kalan şehrimizde #kapsayıcı ve #risk-bilinçli #kentselplanlama uygulamasının ne kadar önemli olduğunu tartıştı.