Indigenous Education @HCDSB #hcdsbIndigenous
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http://www.hcdsb.org 02-12-2019 19:41:30
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Proud of the amazing work being done at #NDIrish☘️ Halton Catholic DSB HCDSB-Indigenous HCDSB Pathways HCDSB STEAM

It is National Indigenous History Month! We have been reading stories by Indigenous authors, learning about Indigenous music and Indigenous dances too! 🪶☀️Kindergarten at HCDSB HCDSB-Indigenous

This us a great video to understand the land that we are on. Chi Miigwetch to Samantha Fernandes for finding, teaching, and incorporating into Indigenous Lit. NBE3U&C. We can all use this to learn who's traditional territory we are on. youtu.be/3X4MYbJvLUI?si…

Doug Doolittle facilitating a Blanket Exercise during Treaty Week Queen of Heaven with gr.7 &8. What is a blanket exercise 🤔? Dm us and we can let you know😉

A wonderful day to be apart of the HCDSB Pathways #skillscompetition. Set up to welcome and share Indigenous knowledge