Make age matters, challenge stereotypes and support intergenerational exchanges @AGE_PlatformEU Research Projects
ID: 47435986
15-06-2009 20:31:43
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MEP Jordi Cañas submitted a written question to Josep Borrell Fontelles, Commission Vice-President and High-Representative for External Affairs. He asks the EU to ‘drive the initiative of a UN Convention on the rights of older persons’. towardsanagefriendlyep.com/2021/10/05/the… #EULeadsTheRally

Nothing less than this. Going to the essence, promoting a #lifecourse approach and #intergenerational work against #ageism #Rights4AllAges #ageisjustanumber Hopefully of interest Digitol Eu, The World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB), European Union of the Deaf, Smart Silver Economy The Sir Michael Marmot Institute of Health Equity Rights 4 Seniors, Senioropolis

EU and national rulings still reflect biased & outdated views of older people, leaving older workers behind. Yet, mixed-age teams in the workplace are associated with better performance & creativity, states our colleague Nena Georgantzi in Financial Times ft.com/content/b09a19…

Getting older people's voices heard helpage.org/what-we-do/soc… Particularly relevant for SHAPES EU project work on #empowerment and #decision-making

Congratulations to Milan Brglez, Sirpa Pietikäinen🇫🇮🇪🇺, Kira M. Peter-Hansen, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir 🇪🇺🇫🇷💙💛, José Gusmão, S. Kympouropoulos Susana Solís M. Eugenia R. Palop Sara Matthieu 🇪🇺 for the great result in the committee vote and thank you for your hard work on the report ! #EUCareStrategy

1/2 Published today: A Digital Cage is Still a Cage by Prof Lorna McGregor Neil Crowther argues that Digital technology used to improve care & the lives of #olderpeople could be risking their basic #humarights Human Rights Centre essex.ac.uk/news/2022/06/2…

Instead of “How long can we work”, what if we asked “How can we work better?” 🗓️Policy Lab, June 27 Register here: tinyurl.com/44m7hy95 With 🇪🇺MEP Beatrice COVASSI, Jutta Allmendinger, WZB; Ulrich Becker,MPI for Social Law and Social Policy; MassiMascherini, Eurofound; Arnstein Aassve, Università Bocconi

🚨We have joined a coalition of 13 organizations in a letter to Commissioner Mairead McGuinness and Commissioner Nicolas SCHMIT, calling to extend the current EU Taxonomy framework to include a social and human rights dimension. 📖Read the letter➡️bit.ly/SocialTaxonomy…