Engaging a multi-disciplinary community of Irish scientists seeking to advance research that crosses the interface between medicinal inorganic chemist & biology
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https://ibics.ie/ 29-09-2020 13:30:06
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Another way to kill bacteria presented by IrishResearch Scholar Dr Luke Edward Brennan (He/Him) Maynooth University Chemistry Synthetic anion transporters exploit chloride transport for rapid and potent bactericidal activity against Gram-positive bacteria #IBICS
Another brilliant Keynote from PryceGroup DCU School of Chemical Sciences on recent discoveries in CO-releasing and singlet Oxygen producing molecules for #AMR pathogens RCSI Clinical Microbiology Science Foundation Ireland
We are spoiled with plenary talks today. The fabulous MedBioinorgChem TU München showcasing her research on wide applications of metallacages; therapeutics, diagnostics, theranostics, drug delivery, photodynamic therapy, targeting cancer cells and the blood brain barrier.
Not forgetting some excellent flash talks from Ioannis Titilas @chemistrynuig , Hollie Jenkins TU Dublin / OT Baile Átha Cliath , Rhianne Curley DCU School of Chemical Sciences, Darragh McHugh @ResearchatNUIG Well done everyone 👏👏👏
Great advice for our researchers from MedBioinorgChem Be fearless, don't stay attached to what's been done by others, be open to learning from other disciplines.
Super talk from our IBICS Postgraduate Gold Medal Award winner @ChemLorna from McDonald Group TCD 🏆
Spread the word - Only 2 sleeps to #IBICS6 in-person annual IBICS. An exciting line-up this year hosted by DCU School of Chemical Sciences TU4Dublin @RCSI_chem RCSI Research and Innovation Maynooth University @NUIG Trinity College Dublin @UCD #PhDchat #EarlyCareerResearchers
International Experts presenting this year are Prof Hubertus Haas Med. Uni. Innsbruck #Fungal siderophores, Prof Jens Muller, @WWU_Muenster Metal-Modified Nucleic acids. Registration open to 5pm tomorrow forms.office.com/r/VTK263Ki8A. DCU School of Chemical Sciences PryceGroup Andrew Kellett Celine
📢 IBICS-7 annual symposium takes place December 15th hosted this year by UCD Chemistry. Looking forward to catching up with our community. All details below Iósaf Ó Beirne (Dr Joe Byrne 👨🔬🧪) School of Biological and Chemical Sciences DCU School of Chemical Sciences RCSI_Chemistry Kavanagh Mycology Lab TCD School of Chemistry RCSI Clinical Microbiology School of Chemical & BioPharmaceutical Sciences
Kicking off #IBICS-7 in University College Dublin this morning. A great turnout and a great line-up of speakers, starting with vilar-group on luminescent metal complexes targeting G4 DNA Iósaf Ó Beirne (Dr Joe Byrne 👨🔬🧪) UCD Chemistry
We had fantastic oral presentations from early career researchers in our community. Nanomaterials for DNA sensing from Maria Byrne and G4 targeting Ruthenium complexes in tumour spheroids from Rhianne Curley
A lovely journey through the ups and downs of transition metal coordination complexes with lots of practical advice from Dr Denise Rooney Maynooth University Chemistry
Aluminium Dipyrrinato photosensitisers were on trial in the afternoon session. Engaging presentation from Mathias Senge Trinity College Dublin
Continuing the high quality oral presentations were Lewis More O’Ferrall Ella O’Sullivan Simon Poole Darren Beirne
Outstanding tour-de-force from Prof Petra Heffeter MedUni Wien addressing limitations of current cancer therapeutics
Congratulations Amir Alsharabasy. Truly deserving 🥇winner, whose achievements in research embody our mission and values Abhay Pandit Celine
Wishing all our members attending and participating 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress over the next few days an enjoyable learning and networking experience RCSI_Chemistry UCD Chemistry TU Dublin / OT Baile Átha Cliath Ollscoil na Gaillimhe | University of Galway UCC Ireland DCU School of Chemical Sciences Maynooth University Celine