Ian Carter
Naturalist and Author: Rhythms of Nature | Human, Nature | The Red Kite | The Red Kite’s Year | The Hen Harrier’s Year | Coming soon: Wild Galloway
ID: 1261221935620460544
https://pelagicpublishing.com/products/rhythms-of-nature 15-05-2020 09:08:46
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Something is going very, very wrong with woodland ride management by Forestry England in East Kent. The last few days have seen miles of rides full of flowers in FC owned blocks of Orlestone Forest SSSI shorn down to billiard table length like this.

Northern England Raptor Forum (Raptorforum ) latest to walk away from Yorkshire Dales/Nidderdale sham bird of prey 'partnership'. "We risk facing reputational damage by association" [with the toxic Moorland Association]. Bravo, NERF! Details 👇👇 raptorpersecutionuk.org/2024/09/05/nor…
![Raptor Persecution UK (@raptorpersuk) on Twitter photo Northern England Raptor Forum (<a href="/N_E_R_F/">Raptorforum</a> ) latest to walk away from Yorkshire Dales/Nidderdale sham bird of prey 'partnership'.
"We risk facing reputational damage by association" [with the toxic Moorland Association]. Bravo, NERF!
Details 👇👇
raptorpersecutionuk.org/2024/09/05/nor… Northern England Raptor Forum (<a href="/N_E_R_F/">Raptorforum</a> ) latest to walk away from Yorkshire Dales/Nidderdale sham bird of prey 'partnership'.
"We risk facing reputational damage by association" [with the toxic Moorland Association]. Bravo, NERF!
Details 👇👇