Investing in Women
Investing in Women was initiated in 2016 by the Australian Government to catalyse inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in South East Asia.
ID: 902115179231494144 28-08-2017 10:26:34
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Spark! Philippines met with Investing in Women CEO Hannah Birdsey to discuss possible points of cooperation and partnership as it moves into its next phase. Investing in Women is an initiative of the Australian Government.
As gender lens investing gains more traction with investors, Rebecca Fries and Luis Marquez outline our 2028 vision: 50,000 entities adopting gender-forward practices and directing $1 billion with a gender lens.… #GLI #genderlensinvesting #genderandbusiness
#Unpaidcare work stands as a barrier to #womenseconomicempowerment. Reform is necessary to address this burden, promoting equal sharing of caregiving & professionalising care work. Learn how #CSOs are facilitating reforms in's article. #NhaNhieuCot CARE in Vietnam
Our Director for #InfluencingGenderNorms, Kim Patria joined a panel of Philippine development sector reps to discuss the role of communication in effecting social change & share lessons from IW’s work on gender norm change campaigns. Read more:
📢#JobOpportunity: We are looking for multiple experts in Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam to establish a panel of technical specialists with relevant expertise and experience to support the implementation of Investing in Women's work. Apply now:…
At the recently concluded PH #careeconomy consultation, Investing in Women CEO Hannah Birdsey highlighted the impact of a thriving care economy & the need to generate evidence for stakeholder buy-in & policy setting. Our thanks to Philippine Commission On Women United Nations ESCAP Oxfam Pilipinas #PRRM for the invite.
Investing in Women is pleased to share this exciting news of our partnership with the Global Institute for Women's Leadership - ANU. This collaborative effort aims to bolster #womenseconomicempowerment across Southeast Asia, leveraging GIWL's expertise as our primary #research partner.