Institut des Sciences Analytiques - ISA
Institut des Sciences Analytiques #Recherche @CNRS @UnivLyon1 #chimie analytique en #santé & #environnement #Research #Chemistry #Health #Environment #Lyon
ID: 2835010575
http://isa-lyon.fr/ 17-10-2014 13:14:36
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📢🧐Which article this week? An eco-friendly materials based on MIL-53(Al) MOF from upcycling products of PET bottles effectively decontaminate organophosphates in water resources ! SIITTU CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @FdS_Lyon1 doi.org/10.1016/j.scit…

📢🧐Which article this week? A complete elucidation of complex polyester polyols structures thanks to the development of a LCxSFC-HRMS method TotalEnergies CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @FdS_Lyon1 doi.org/10.1016/j.tala…

📢🧐Which article this week? Prediction of the most appropriate set of conditions in HILIC x RPLC online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography, depending on the compounds to be separated. Faculty of Science | UNIGE Université de Rouen Normandie CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 doi.org/10.1016/j.chro…

📢🧐Which article this week? A multi-omics methodology for assessing the environmental fate of lagoon organic contaminants criobe_pf Université Perpignan IHPE_Lab Sorbonne Université CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @FdS_Lyon1 preprints.org/manuscript/202…

📢🧐Which article this week? Extraction from plants, purification and TLC/HPLC relationships of five cyclopentanedione sesquiterpene lactones, possible potent active ingredients of drugs CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @FdS_Lyon1 doi.org/10.1007/s10337…

📢🧐Which article this week? Impact factors of polymeric film and hydrogels to enhance or inhibit bacterial adhesion and bacterial growth on the hydrogel: a review Mahidol University CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @FdS_Lyon1 doi.org/10.1002/pat.63…

📢🧐Which article this week? Use of relative energy gradient (REG) method to identify the main physicochemical properties accounting for the course of a reaction and rationalize chemical syntheses Université de Rouen Normandie CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 doi.org/10.1002/cphc.2…

📢🧐Which article this week? A simple and rapid leptospires agglutination detection method based on the latex agglutination reaction that can be applied as a screening test in environmental, human, and animal specimens. Mahidol University CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 doi.org/10.1002/ppsc.2…

📢🧐Which article this week? A low-cost magnetic composite derived from waste tea and iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles as efficient nanosorbent for the removal of lead ion, rhodamine B dye and paracetamol from wastewater Université Oran1 Ahmed Ben Bella Algérie CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 doi.org/10.1002/slct.2…

📢 Le 10/09 à 11h à l'ISA: conférence de Mirco Zerbetto, Groupe de Chimie Théorique, Université de Padova, Italie, « Stochastic modeling of flexible macromolecules for the interpretation of magnetic spectroscopies » N’hésitez pas à venir ! CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @Fds_Lyon1

😀👏Patcharapan Suwannin, PhD student in the Micro-Nanobiotechnologies team, awarded the prize for best poster at the EUROSENSORS XXXVI Congress (Debrecen, Hungary) for her work entitled ‘Electrochemical Biosensor Platform for Leptospirosis Diagnosis in Urine Samples’ Université Lyon 1

📢 Le 17/09 à 11h à l'ISA: conférence de Pierre Hirchenhahn, Dpt de Chimie de Texas A&M University, intitulée “There’s more to ToF-SIMS: a journey exploring mass spectra” N’hésitez pas à venir ! CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @Fds_Lyon1

📢🧐Which article this week? The effectiveness of AguIXnanoparticles in the presence of a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy in cancer treatment. Maastricht University Université Lorraine Roswell Park CNRS Rhône Auvergne Université Lyon 1 @FdS_Lyon1 doi.org/10.3390/ph1708…