US deployment activity for IHE International; Health IT standards, Interoperability, and Information Exchange.
IHE North American Connectathon
ID: 809066916
https://www.iheusa.org 07-09-2012 15:23:24
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Did you book your accommodation for your trip to Rennes yet? Reduced rates for hotels now available on >>> connectathon.ihe-europe.net/rennes-2023 to make your stay comfortable! IHE Belgium @IHENL @IHE_fr IHE Austria 🇦🇹 IHE USA IHE International @IHEsuisse IHE Australia IHE_Gazelle

The parallel IHE-Experience DAYS enable delegates to learn from the VENDORS by participating in VIP TOURS of 2023 IHE-Europe Connectathon Floor. Don’t Delay; Sign-Up Today!! bit.ly/EXP_DAY_23 IHE Belgium @IHENL @IHE_fr IHE Austria 🇦🇹 IHE USA IHE International @IHEsuisse IHE_Gazelle

For those of you looking to learn all you can about health information exchange...Brought to you by Keith W. Boone @ONC_HealthIT #Interoperability #standards

😟 "A significant degree of concern" 😟 Our State of Patient Privacy Report was featured in Identity Week's newsletter, which highlighted comments from Steven Lane MD MPH "Most people feel that it is easy to access their medical records, that they find the information they receive to

Get inspired by Attila Farkas at the upcoming IHE Experience DAYS! As Sr Director of Interoperability at Infoway his talk explores Canada's experience JOIN US bit.ly/EXP_DAY_23 IHE Belgium @IHENL @IHE_fr IHE Austria 🇦🇹 IHE USA IHE International @IHEsuisse IHE Australia IHE_Gazelle

Get ready for an exciting WEEK dedicated to healthcare interoperability: IHE-Experience Days, a 5-day Connectathon for interoperability testing, UNICOM_IDMP day, workshops by @Xpandh_project & @label2E Don't miss out bit.ly/rennes_2023 IHE Belgium @IHENL @IHE_fr IHE Austria 🇦🇹

Sharing broadly with ANI member organizations Nancy Beale, PhD, RN, NI-BC, FAMIA Vicky Tiase Joyce Sensmeier MS, FHIMSS, FAAN Whende M. Carroll 👩🏻💻 Judy Murphy Tammy Kwiatkoski Connie White Delaney OrianaBeaudet DNP RN FDA Establishes New Advisory Committee on Digital Health Technologies fda.gov/news-events/pr…