Institute of Employment Rights
IER is an independent network of academics & experts in employment law & trade union rights. We provide briefings, regular publications & organise conferences.
ID: 233959318
http://www.ier.org.uk 04-01-2011 14:31:49
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The TUC welcomes the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) call for greater protections for workers from extreme heat. António Guterres says a new rights-based approach is needed: ier.org.uk/news/the-tuc-w…

Very happy that the first publication from my oral history project on legal solidarity & the 1984-85 #MinersStrike will feature in the next issue of Oral History (v 52 n 2). I've also written this blog post for Oral History Society to introduce the research: ohs.org.uk/ohj-online/whi…

Institute of Employment Rights António Guterres See great work by Rory O'Neill hazards.org/climate/hazard…

The IER’s mission today is holding Labour to account on workers’ rights - newly appointed Institute of Employment Rights Director sets out his vision for the Institute of Employment Rights: ier.org.uk/comments/the-i…

BREAKING NEWS🚨 | Our spring term Bitesize Employment Law course is now fully booked. Book on our in person Employment Law update with Institute of Employment Rights: gftuet.org.uk/courses/ier-x-… #GFTUET #GFTU #GFTU125 #UnionReps #Reps

Fire Brigades Union Matt Wrack Trades Union Congress welcomes news that The Labour Party is set to scrap 'authoritarian' anti union laws Campaign for Trade Union Freedom Institute of Employment Rights fbu.org.uk/news/2024/08/1…

Labour government must crackdown on the growing number of businesses offering jobs on less than the national minimum wage. IER Director James Harrison said: “If employers can’t afford to pay the minimum wage, then they can’t afford to be in business.” morningstaronline.co.uk/article/labour…

Campaign for Trade Union Freedom & Institute of Employment Rights Fringe Meeting, TUC Brighton, 2024. Great line up of speakers - Chair: sarah woolley

REPEAL All Anti-Union Laws! Sussex Morning Star Readers and Supporters #TUC2024 Fringe Event. With the Labour Party back in government, it is time to turn up the pressure to scrap all anti-union laws. During the election campaign, Labour leaders went back and forth without

The ILO estimates that more than 70% of workers across the globe now face excessive heat threatening their health… Our Director David Whyte is speaking at Hazards Campaign #CovidIsAirborne #Ventil8Filter conference this morning on why trade unions must take more action on climate to defend their members.

Trade Union Rights: The Labour Party’s New Deal … A Good First Step by Adrian Weir Campaign for Trade Union Freedom Institute of Employment Rights The Labour Party tradeunionfreedom.co.uk/trade-union-ri…

The Institute of Employment Rights’ & Campaign for Trade Union Freedom #TUC2024 fringe, ‘What Labour's Employment Rights Bill needs to include’ will take place on Sunday evening at the Brighton i360, Brighton, BN1 2LN. 8th September 2024 – 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm. Details: ier.org.uk/events/ier-ctu…

Joint @ieruk & Campaign for Trade Union Freedom fringe meeting at #TUC2024 in Brighton on Sunday: What The Labour Party’s Employment Rights Bill needs to include. With Lord John Hendy KC, Joe Atkinson, James Harrison, Lydia Hayes, Fran Heathcote, Neil Todd & sarah woolley. Sponsored by Thompsons Solicitors

Our joint #TUC2024 fringe with Campaign for Trade Union Freedom will be followed by what will be a brilliant General Federation of Trade Unions social at the same venue - the i360 on Brighton seafront. Expect food, drinks, speeches & a DJ set by the famous Trade Union ‘LAHAD DJ’ collective. 🔥 Details: facebook.com/events/s/gftu-…