Hugh Myddelton
Outstanding (Ofsted)... but there’s a whole lot more to our school than just that. Proudly part of the Learning Quarter Partnership, alongside Winton School.
ID: 746746527381590016
http://www.lqps.co.uk 25-06-2016 16:47:00
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Today is National ‘Thank a Teacher’ Day, and we’re all feeling very much appreciated. A special s/o to Ottolenghi and Rachael Black for the treats! #ThankATeacherDay 🧁🥰🍰

Happy #ThankATeacherDay Hugh Myddelton staff have risen to the pandemic challenge amazingly. You are all SUPERSTARS! A huge thank you to Ottolenghi for donating some sweet treats for break time 🤫

The Award for Bright Start Early Years Educator of the Year will be presented by Kaya Comer-Schwartz Leader of Islington Council Well Done to all our Nominees who hail from Hugh Myddelton Prior Weston Primary #ArchwayChildrensCentre 👏 👏 👏 Winner Announced 19th July! #IsEdAwards2021 #Islington

The trees and plants in Forest for Change Somerset House improved air quality by a huge 33%. 🌏💙🌳 Scotscape So proud Islington Clean Air Parents is bringing 200 of them to Islington and the difference they will make to the air our children breathe. Hugh Myddelton 1/2

Thanks for having us Hugh Myddelton ! Loved talking to your year 5 and 6's about what history is critically and what this means this #BlackHistoryMonth and asking your learners to think about how we can do history better in the future! The National Lottery Heritage Fund London & South bit.ly/2YEi5LU

Excellent visit today for Winton Primary School school to Spitalfields City Farm funded by the Water Conservation Trust. Children learnt about food production, types of vegetables and fruits, pollination, pest control and animal welfare. Then they made butter with herbs from the farm

We had a busy week last week with visits to @thomasbuxtonsch, Hugh Myddelton, Winton Primary School, Bramingham Primary AND Warden Hill Junior School! Hope you all enjoyed the Boggling Brain workshop and getting stuck in to some science!

Such a rich day of learning with the senior leaders Hugh Myddelton, looking at the consistency of Talk for Writing through the school. So good to reflect and thing about what has been successfully implemented and where the next steps lie. Some superb writing!@PieCorbett

What a rich morning looking at the depth and development of character in Talk for Writing with Winton Primary School and Hugh Myddelton

🌳 We’re marking #NationalTreeWeek in style – by planting six trees that have been donated by the Somerset House Forest for Change exhibition! They have been planted outside Hugh Myddelton Primary School – find out more about the trees in the thread below ⬇️ (1/5)

Thank you Hugh Myddelton for a great day! Some really great conversations about music. Looking forward to my return!

Find out how Hugh Myddelton School in Clerkenwell planted a pocket forest in their playground with six Islington Forest for Change trees to create a natural playground that will help improve air quality and address climate change. bit.ly/3feaBEw

THREE CAMPAIGNS CLOSED in 24 hours!💛🥳 Thank You Computer Aid for your generous support of 30 laptops to our three schools HFKidbrooke Hugh Myddelton Boutcher CE Primary @boutcher_ce_primary #educhat #edukchat #schools

Islington safer schools officer, PC Syed Ahmed, talking to children at Winton Primary School about keeping safe and the role of a police officer. A real pleasure to speak to such a lovely and enthusiastic crowd🚔 Thank you Winton Primary School #KeepingSafe #MetPolice