Houtan Noushmehr
{epi}Genome hacker. #genome #epigenome #cancer #bioinformatics
ID: 48248229
http://about.me/houtan 18-06-2009 04:43:02
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Our new paper is online: Integrated Molecular Profiling Studies to Characterize the Cellular Origins of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer biorxiv.org/content/early/… #teamscience #golawrensonlab Houtan Noushmehr @center4bfg Ronny Drapkin 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 Simon Gayther I am Vigo, the Carpathian 🦆 @simoncoetzee

Dr. Steven N. Kalkanis MD of Henry Ford Health System is giving the grand opening talk at the 2018 CNS meeting in Houston today! #2018CNS CNS NS Tumor Section

Excellent work by Tiago Silva, who put a lot of effort into making this tool as user friendly as possible. Excited for people to try it with their own samples! great collaboration with De-Chen Lin I am Vigo, the Carpathian 🦆 Houtan Noushmehr Nicole Gull @simoncoetzee Lijing yao @center4bfg

Steven N. Kalkanis MD CNS AANS Neurosurgeon NS Tumor Section He gave a talk on our liquid biopsy results with thanks to collaborators Ian Lee MD , Tobias Walbert MD , Jim Snyder, Ana DeCarvalho and Houtan Noushmehr which was very well received. Way to go team! Ivy Brain Tumor Center National Brain Tumor Society American Brain Tumor Association

Well deserved indeed!! Congratulations Ann-Christin Hau . You remind us that the "only place #SUCCESS comes before #WORK is in the dictionary" - Vince Lombardi. Keep it up and I look forward to our continued collaboration. Henry Ford Neuroscience SNO LIH_Luxembourg

15 years of work at LIH_Luxembourg and here we are: #NORLUX #PDOX cohort is online: biorxiv.org/content/10.110… ; Ann-Christin Hau anais Yahaya Yabo, DVM, PhD Eliane Klein Virginie Neirinckx Andreas Mock Lucy Stead DelMar Pharma Houtan Noushmehr Rolf Bjerkvig and many more; EurOPDX @PDXFinder

Join us in #boston next week AnnualScientific Mting SNO +1500 registered&counting +110 Invited Speakers +1000 abstracts Leading society #braintumor #research All #covidsafety measures in place Farshad Nassiri Albert H. Kim #DrBrastianos Houtan Noushmehr Prof Susan Short

Another BIG publication! Discordant inheritance of chromosomal and extrachromosomal DNA elements contributes to dynamic disease evolution in GBM Congrats on the publication Drs deCarvalho & Poisson! Roel Verhaak Mohammed Israil LaPizzaBrazil Steven N. Kalkanis MD nature.com/articles/s4158…

Summary and significance of 'The role of 'extra' DNA in cancer evolution and therapy resistance' - straight from the main authors Roel Verhaak and Ana deCarvalho Henry Ford Neuroscience sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/… dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41588…

We used #bigSCale to process >1 million #SingleCell from the developmental brain (thanks to 10x Genomics). The paper now OUT Genome Research. And the tool available GitHub (github.com/iaconogi/bigSC…). CONGRATS Giovanni Iacono CNAG Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG). genome.cshlp.org/cgi/content/lo…

.Houtan Noushmehr of USP - Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo led a study and uncovered vital prognostic biomarkers for aggressive glioma bit.ly/2kbl3QV