The Hem Onc Fellowship @hopkinsmedicine @hopkinskimmel. Supporting our wonderful Fellows, and sharing memes often.
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https://bit.ly/33OrEHb 28-05-2020 13:33:59
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Congratulations to our fellows who were awarded ASCO YIAs from Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation and ASCO. Drs. Roy Elias, Qasim Hussaini, MD, Daniel Haldar, Khaled Sanber, Kara Schenk, Catherine Wilbur, and Yuxuan Wang. We are proud of all of you and the work you are doing.
We are so excited to announce our new program leadership. Program Director, Dr. Kristen A. Marrone, MD, Associate Program Directors, Drs. Ana De Jesus-Acosta, Rakhi Naik, MD MHS, Jonathan Webster, Mark Yarchoan, and Jackie Zimmerman. #1Fellowship1Family
Congratulations to our very own Dr. Jacob J. Adashek, DO. A great honor for which are very proud of you for.
Many thanks to our Rad Onc colleague Dr. Anna (Annie) LaVigne, MD for giving a tour of Rad Onc to our heme onc fellows.
Congratulations to current Chief Fellow, Dr. Govind Warrier MD, MPH, past Chief Fellow, Dr. Arjun Gupta, and past fellow Dr. Ramy Sedhom, MD on their JAMA Internal Medicine Patient Page highlighting how palliative care can help patients experiencing a serious illness. jamanetwork.com/journals/jamai…!
We are thrilled to introduce our incoming HopkinsHemOncFellowship fellowship class - what a brilliant & inspiring group of physicians. Can't wait to have you all here in Baltimore! Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Kristen A. Marrone, MD Rakhi Naik, MD MHS Jackie Zimmerman Jonathan Webster Mark Yarchoan #AnaDeJesusAcosta
Thrilled to share that my mentees Daniel Shu, MD and Mari Nakazawa are receiving ASCO Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation Young Investigator Awards tomorrow. 🎉Nothing gives me more joy than seeing their hard work recognized. So proud of you both! conferences.asco.org/am/conquer-can…
#ASCO24 is well underway and we can't wait to showcase our fellows - past, present, and future - at this incredible annual gathering! Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center
Congratulations to our fellows (Saumya Maru M.D., Ph.D., Neha Verma, Mari Nakazawa, Nazila Shafagati, Daniel Shu, Michael Conroy, Jesse Handler) on their Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation #ASCOYIA awards and former fellow and current Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Asst. Prof. Eric Christenson for the #ASCOCDA!
Make sure to follow Jacob J. Adashek, DO, Hopkins fellow and one of this year's featured voices at #ASCO24 as the conference unfolds. We caught him today before a trivia session in the Trainee lounge!
Excellent President’s Address by Dr Lynn Schuchter Robin Zon, MD, FACP, FASCO directly noting Drs Ramy Sedhom, MD, FASCO and Arjun Gupta’s paper, then fellows at HopkinsHemOncFellowship, on the international stage emphasizing the crucial role of palliative care in oncology, both in training and practice.
As you plan your schedule for the next two days of #ASCO24, make sure to keep these Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center fellows in mind! Exciting work from Nadeem Tabbara, Phaedon Zavras, Roy Elias, and TWO posters by Laura Linville!
So proud of my cofellow HopkinsHemOncFellowship Dr. Melinda Hsu for a masterful discussion of the oral symptom science abstracts. One of the best I’ve ever heard
Past, present, and future chief fellows with our program director Kristen A. Marrone, MD! A lovely reunion at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center reception at #ASCO24.
Starting now in S102: cochaired by Qasim Hussaini, MD Carolyn Presley, MD MHS Rapid Orals for Symptom Science & Palliative Care