HelpAge USA
Advancing the well-being & inclusion of older people in the US & around the world. We believe all older people have the right to a healthy, safe, & secure life.
ID: 611875548 18-06-2012 16:13:11
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Meet Wambuya Kasuva, 93, who joined HelpAge International Global Network member Kibera Day Care Centre in Nairobi in 2013. Making wooden cutlery since 1966, he found community and purpose at KDCC. "I love my craft and supporting my family. I will continue working until the last minute!"
In 🇺🇦#Ukraine, HelpAge USA supports four Community Safe Spaces where older people can stay active, take classes, connect & much more. Community Safe Spaces are empowering older adults with digital literacy, social activities & healthcare services.…
Adaptive and shock-responsive social protection (ASRSP) helps those at-risk cope with disasters and crises. Yet, it often overlooks older people, who are most affected. A new HelpAge International report explores how to better support older people through ASRP systems.…
📝🔔 New research from HelpAge International explores how the war has affected the mobility and social inclusion of older people in Ukraine. Read the full report and discover how we can rebuild a more inclusive society for older Ukrainians amidst ongoing challenges.…
Sneak 👀 from behind-the-scenes with CBS Mornings & @FriendshipBench’s Dr. Dixon Chibanda at our first bench at Washington Seniors Wellness Center! Our highlight: Watching Friendship Bench DC Grandparent Theresa Kelly talk about how it feels to deeply listen & empower visitors.
The United Nations has adopted a groundbreaking resolution, marking a major advance in protecting #OlderPeople’s rights globally. 🌍👏 Let’s keep the momentum & ensure their voices remain at the heart of this change. #AgeWithRights #OEWGA #StopTalkingStartDrafting
#MentalHealth therapy from Zimbabwe is being adopted in Washington. HelpAge USA is piloting the concept. 20 trained grandmas will be available at places of worship, schools and wellness centers in Washington’s low-income communities. #SDoH The Associated Press
A round of 👏 for AFrontlines on being named the 2024 Hilton Foundation Humanitarian Prize Laureate! As a proud former #HiltonPrize recipient, we at HelpAge are thrilled to welcome you and are inspired by your dedication to empowering Indigenous communities in the Amazon. Congrats!
We ❤️ this new series from Melinda French Gates that embraces the power and perspective of older women in the US. An amazing example of celebrating women at every age—check it out!…
Meet Elpina from Nairobi, a 62-year-old with a passion for crafting. 🧶 After joining HelpAge International Global Network member KDCC, she found community and now dreams of opening her own shop. Her message? "Older people shouldn’t give up on life. Hold on, love yourself—it's not over yet!"