Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile
Heidi Beate Bentzen


Researcher @UniOslo_CME & CEO Governance Advisory AS | Privacy & data protection in health and genetics | Biolaw & bioethics | Precision medicine & AI | Biotech

ID: 3355745986

linkhttps://www.med.uio.no/helsam/english/people/aca/heidibb/index.html calendar_today02-07-2015 21:38:42

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338 Following

Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exchange of Human Data Across International Boundaries. New review out in Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science, covering both legal challenges and solutions. Full text link annualreviews.org/eprint/YF4XDV3… Annual Reviews UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Nordic Society Human Genetics/Precision Medicine ROSiE Responsible Open Science in Europe #nordicbiobank2022 #GDPR

Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're hiring! How does a PhD position in the legal aspects of medical AI sound? Interdisciplinary project, practically oriented, English work language, comparatively good salary. Deadline 15 Nov #GDPR #MDR #AIAct UIO – Det juridiske fakultet NRCCL//SERI jobbnorge.no/en/available-j…

Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We provide a legal recipe to enable EEA-US personal data transfers in more clinical trials, including use of US cloud providers and transfer of individual level data to the FDA thelancet.com/journals/lanep… The Lancet Reg Health-Europe Kreftregisteret UiO - Det medisinske fakultet U.S. FDA #GDPR #clinicaltrials

Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Steps European researchers can follow to develop ethical and sustainable result return pathways within their genomic research projects nature.com/articles/s4143… #OviedoConvention #Convention108 #GDPR #genomics #research #ethics UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Centre for Medical Ethics @biotekradet European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG)

HYBRIDA (@hybrida_h2020) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HYBRIDA in the Eternal City! The project’s General Assembly meeting is taking place today and tomorrow at The Pontifical Academy for Life premises in Rome.#organoids #researchethics #responsiblescience

HYBRIDA in the Eternal City! The project’s General Assembly meeting is taking place today and tomorrow at The Pontifical Academy for Life premises in Rome.#organoids #researchethics #responsiblescience
HYBRIDA (@hybrida_h2020) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HYBRIDA’s General Assembly meeting in Rome, day 2. #organoids, #researchethics, #researchintegrity, #responsibleinnovation

HYBRIDA’s General Assembly meeting in Rome, day 2. #organoids, #researchethics, #researchintegrity, #responsibleinnovation
HAPLO-iPS (@haploips) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are starting a wonderful day full of discussions at the 2nd WG meeting of COST Action CA21151 HAPLO-iPS in Sofia, 🇧🇬! HAPLO-iPS aims to create a collaborative network to provide a framework for hiPSC generation.

We are starting a wonderful day full of discussions at the 2nd WG meeting of <a href="/COSTprogramme/">COST</a> Action CA21151 <a href="/HaploiPS/">HAPLO-iPS</a> in Sofia, 🇧🇬! HAPLO-iPS aims to create a collaborative network to provide a framework for hiPSC generation.
Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DCE from 12 European countries on public preferences for health data sharing governance: Heterogeneity of preferences and necessity of governance flexibility. Please consider in HealthDataEU_pilot and EU One Health. jmir.org/2023/1/e47066/ ROSiE Responsible Open Science in Europe HYBRIDA UiO - Det medisinske fakultet #EHDS

HYBRIDA (@hybrida_h2020) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣 Today is the day! Join us for the final conference of HYBRIDA and learn more on the future of organoid research. We start at 15:00 CET and you can still register quickly here: hybrida-project.eu/2024/04/29/fin…

Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mine tanker om KI-forordningens innvirkning på helsesektoren – mer byråkrati og høyere overtredelsesgebyrer enn GDPR fører til at styrer og ledere må være påpasselige, juridisk støtte nødvendig for å sikre translasjon: overlegen.digital/overlegen/over… #AIAct UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Legeforeningen

Edward Dove (@edwardsdove) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted to see this edited volume in print, both paperback and hardback. Many thanks indeed to all the wonderful contributors, and to Routledge Law for their support. MU School of Law & Criminology routledge.com/Confidentialit…

Delighted to see this edited volume in print, both paperback and hardback. Many thanks indeed to all the wonderful contributors, and to <a href="/RoutledgeLaw/">Routledge Law</a> for their support. <a href="/MaynoothLaw/">MU School of Law & Criminology</a>  routledge.com/Confidentialit…
Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New edited book published today on Routledge Law – in my chapter, I clarify and make recommendations for the legal regulation of human organoids alongside sample/data distinction and international transfers HYBRIDA ISSCR UiO - Det medisinske fakultet #GDPR taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/…

Heidi Beate Bentzen (@heidibbentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper in JAMA Network Open on Key Features of a Genetic Nondiscrimination Policy, using a global Delphi study to survey 60 experts in 20 jurisdictions to identify effective policies. Thanks to Uberoi, Joly and colleagues for leading this UiO - Det medisinske fakultet jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman…