Heather Parry
breakfast enthusiast // writer of novels // substack: general observations on eggs // editor @extrateethmag // email rather than DMs!
ID: 1228337330
https://linktr.ee/heatherparrywriter 28-02-2013 20:37:15
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Our latest issue features work by Scotland-based writer Heather Parry. A darkly witty fable for our doomscrolling age, "Edith and Gomorrah" is the kind of short fiction our editors can't resist. Stop scrolling and pick up a copy of SAND 27 to read it 😉 sandjournal.com/product/issue-…

When Keir Starmer said ‘painful’, he meant it. Prepare for years of ‘austerity’. Starmer before election: "There will be no return to austerity" ... “I'll be as bold as Attlee" He must be held to that. No austerity. Public ownership of essential services independent.co.uk/voices/keir-st…

This just might be our favourite review of all time. Petition to get Heather Parry's collection into the hands of David Cronenberg? In the meantime, get your (body horrified) hands on a copy of This Is My Body, Given For You. hauntpublishing.com/books/heather-… #davidcronenberg

This weird & wonderful collection contains fifteen stories in which the body is something that can be changed, altered, and escaped from. With dripping blood, bruised tentacles, & seamed skin, Heather Parry’s debut short story collection will consume you. hauntpublishing.com/books/heather-…

Really looking forward to this Heather Parry is a great writer, but also an incredibly smart, comradely and generative thinker Thanks for sending Bobby Mostyn-Owen Doubleday Books 🙏❤️

Just arrived home to this fantastic bit of book mail! Cannot wait to read Heather Parry’s latest - thanks to Doubleday Books for the proof! 🐦⬛

Honestly? Sitting in the sun in Tuscany and just thinking a lot about writing? Can recommend. Write Toscana