Hanno Seebens (@hannoseebens) 's Twitter Profile
Hanno Seebens


ecologist | DFG Heisenberg leader | modelling | non-native species | biodiversity indicators | data science | science-policy | CLA of IPBES IAS assessment

ID: 832188909933166592

linkhttp://www.staff.uni-oldenburg.de/hanno.seebens/ calendar_today16-02-2017 11:24:32

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864 Following

Miguel Clavero (@chikichanka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I talked about the (huge, largely unexplored) potential of written sources to provide usable and sharable historical primary biodiversity data at #eccb2024 Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC

I talked about the (huge, largely unexplored) potential of written sources to provide usable and sharable historical primary biodiversity data at #eccb2024
<a href="/ebdonana/">Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC</a>
Aníbal Pauchard (@anibalpauchard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Alien CSI COST Action has developed the guide "Using citizen science with alien species: a practical guide for project initiators"  Available for free download in 23 languages at: zenodo.org/records/106495… Congratulations to Helen Roy and the team

Hanno Seebens (@hannoseebens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Doing a #scientific #proposal #review Always feel bad rating a proposal "just" excellent rather than outstanding. Feels like destroying dreams esp. for a single PI proposal. Very good proposals, I rate "excellent" but outstanding should be special, or? #AcademicChatter

Holger Kreft (@biogeokreft) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please RT! Come work with us BioGeo Göttingen! We are seeking for a Biodiversity informatician (permanent senior scientist position) deadline for applications: 07.08.2024 Full job ad here: uni-goettingen.de/en/644546.html…

Please RT!
Come work with us <a href="/BioGeoMacro/">BioGeo Göttingen</a>!

We are seeking for a Biodiversity informatician (permanent senior scientist position)

deadline for applications: 07.08.2024
Full job ad here:
Bernd Lenzner @lenzner@ecoevo.social (@bernd_le_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‼️ How does residence time shape biological invasions at local and regional scales? Here is a first large-scale attempt to answer this question using 🐦,🐰and🌿just published in Global Change Biology and nicely led by Daijun Liu. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.11…

‼️ How does residence time shape biological invasions at local and regional scales? 
Here is a first large-scale attempt to answer this question using 🐦,🐰and🌿just published in <a href="/GlobalChangeBio/">Global Change Biology</a> and nicely led by <a href="/daijunliu/">Daijun Liu</a>.
Stefan Holzheu (@holzheustefan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leute, es gibt keine einzige Energieerzeugungsform die ohne Material und Energieeinsatz auskommt. Man hat sich selbstverständlich die energetische Amortisation von Windenergieanlagen angeschaut. Wir reden hier von Monaten. energiewende.eu/windkraft-mang…

Hanno Seebens (@hannoseebens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I fully agree. Researchers need #time to #think. Good ideas do not come when one is stressed out and overwhelmed by work. We, researchers, have to slow down our pace of doing science. #academiclife

Peter Jelinek (@peter_jelinek) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Eine Rede, wie man sie nach Solingen von Scholz gebraucht und von Merz niemals bekommen hätte - aber die Robert Habeck liefert. 8 Minuten, die ihr sehen müsst. 1/6

Bernd Lenzner @lenzner@ecoevo.social (@bernd_le_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‼️ Biological invasions are mentioned in the SDG2030 but are they actually sufficiently considered in relation to #sustainabledevelopment? In our new paper we call for stronger acknowledgement of #biologicalinvasions across targets. Check it out here: doi.org/10.1002/pan3.1…

‼️ Biological invasions are mentioned in the <a href="/SDG2030/">SDG2030</a> but are they actually sufficiently considered in relation to #sustainabledevelopment? In our new paper we call for stronger acknowledgement of #biologicalinvasions across targets. Check it out here: doi.org/10.1002/pan3.1…
Franz Essl (@franzessl1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ohne Natur können wir nicht existieren. Es braucht daher viel mehr politischen Willen, um den Artenverlust in Österreich zu stoppen. Besonders von der nächsten Regierung! #biodiversity

Ohne Natur können wir nicht existieren. Es braucht daher viel mehr politischen Willen, um den Artenverlust in Österreich zu stoppen. Besonders von der nächsten Regierung! #biodiversity
Jakob Reimann (@jakob_reimann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Es gibt kein zweites Land auf der Welt, das auch nur annähernd, proportional zu seiner Größe, eine solche große Zahl von Flüchtlingen aus #Syrien und aus #Afghanistan aufgenommen hat wie Deutschland", so Friedrich Merz und seine Lüge. Schauen wir uns die Realität an:🤏🧵 1/4

Hanno Seebens (@hannoseebens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking very much forward to Neobiota 2024 My go-to conference. 🙂 meeting so many nice colleagues, listing to interesting talks and having great interactions.

Guillaume Latombe (@glatombe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/4 I am super happy to share the link to our new preprint presenting our novel Extinction Potential Metric (EPM), assessing the ecological impacts of invasive species as the number of native species that are expected to go extinct within 50 years. biorxiv.org/cgi/content/sh…

Hanno Seebens (@hannoseebens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cesar Capinha speaking in his keynote about the use of #AI for extracting data of non-native species. With 100% accuracy in his example 😳 impressive! #Neobiota2024

Cesar Capinha speaking in his keynote about the use of #AI for extracting data of non-native species. With 100% accuracy in his example 😳 impressive!

Hanno Seebens (@hannoseebens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sven Bacher presents results of a huge literature review of impacts of invasive species from the IPBES IAS report. They found >22,000 reported impacts of >3,300 #invasive #species. Vast majority of impacts are negative. #Neobiota2024

Sven Bacher presents results of a huge literature review of impacts of invasive species from the IPBES IAS report. They found &gt;22,000 reported impacts of &gt;3,300 #invasive #species. Vast majority of impacts are negative.

Flor Yannelli *typo queen* 👽🌱🪁 (she/her/ella) (@floryannelli) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My personal favorite talk of #neobiota2024. Laura Meyerson talking about work carried out with Hanno Seebens showing how lands under management of indigenous people hold less invasive species compared to those that are not. Absolutely brilliant and so necessary.

My personal favorite talk of #neobiota2024. <a href="/lameyerson/">Laura Meyerson</a> talking about work carried out with <a href="/HannoSeebens/">Hanno Seebens</a> showing how lands under management of indigenous people hold less invasive species compared to those that are not. Absolutely brilliant and so necessary.