Houston Methodist Neurosurgery
Houston Methodist Neurosurgery Content managed by the residents
ID: 1313137383710355456
05-10-2020 15:22:20
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Another phenomenal talk by our Sub-I Lokeshwar S. Bhenderu, MD MS from #houstonmethodist and Texas A&M University medical school on electrokinetic convection enhanced delivery of macromolecules to the brain! 🧠

Join us in this amazing educational opportunity here at Methodist! Hands-on lab as well as didactic teaching to supplement your training. Gavin W Britz Alex Hoang

Join us for our upcoming Endoscopic Spine Symposium this weekend! We have an amazing line up of faculty speakers and dedicated lab time. Open to all Residents/Fellows/Physicians. #neurosurgery #spinesurgery #orthopaedicsurgery Gavin W Britz

Young Neurosurgeons did you make it to Houston? No! 😒 Well you missed out on a great first day of #EndoscopicSpineSurgery presentations and debates! Christoph Hofstetter Greg Basil John Asghar MD Special thanks to our host Meng Huang, MD

What a wonderful day. I had so much fun debating, learning, and playing the biportal foil. Amazing 1st day. So grateful at the opportunity to engage with a wonderful faculty. #orthotwitter #nsgy #MedTwitter thank you!! Meng Huang, MD

This weekend’s #EndoscopicSpineSurgery course hosted by Houston Methodist’s Paul J. Holman, MD and Meng Huang, MD was an amazing success. I’m grateful to the course organizers as for putting this together and was honored to be a part of this distinguished cast of course faculty

I am honored to host my friend Meng Huang, MD of Houston Methodist, a spectacular complex spinal surgeon and an international thought leader in spinal endoscopy for this Thursday's Virtual Global Spine Conference. Please join us for another fantastic seminar! zoom.us/meeting/regist…

Awesome Resident-Faculty Gokarting event this weekend at MSR Houston! Team #Spine may or may not have won today Gavin W Britz David S. Baskin Meng Huang, MD Sean Barber, MD | HMH Neurosurgery Spine Alex Hoang

#NEUPrac Endoscopic Repair of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak bit.ly/3NnmA3y by Schwartz et al Houston Methodist John H. Shin MD CNS Mohamed Zaazoue

What a delight to give Grand Rounds at Houston Methodist. Exceptional clinical/research program, great camaraderie, world-class facility. Enjoyed sharing thoughts on Comprehensive Spine Programs of the future! Congrats to Dr. Britz for building a powerhouse of a program! Gavin W Britz