Müller Group Berlin
Müller Group from Freie Universität Berlin
Research in Low Coordinated Phosphorus and Arsenic Compounds
ID: 1570411571137871874
15-09-2022 13:58:19
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Check out at Lea Dettling's new paper. A big thank you to everyone involveld. And a big thank you ICCLab_Andrada for the amazing DFT-calculations.
Check out this open access Hot article from Christian Müller and first author Lea Dettling on phosphorus derivatives of mesoionic carbenes 🔥🔓 Müller Group Berlin buff.ly/3s4ANex
Celebrated recent publications and birthdays in the group with a BBQ. Department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy FU Berlin Great evening on one of the last summer days with the bosses Alex Plajer Müller Group Berlin barbecuing and a special visitor (the FU fox).
In case you missed it: Check out this #openaccess Hot article from Christian Müller and first author Lea Dettling on phosphorus derivatives of mesoionic carbenes 🔥🔓 Müller Group Berlin buff.ly/3YSVbvm
The 23rd #NDDK starts tomorrow in #Berlin. We are looking forward to a great conference with exciting lectures and poster presentations. Many thanks to the organisers (Müller Group Berlin, Sebastian Riedel and Nina Huittinen)!
Looking forward to welcoming everyone at the NDDK-2023 Department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy FU Berlin @huittinen_n Moritz Malischewski Plajer Group Sebastian Riedel and AG Thiele
Thank you everyone for participating at the NDDK2023 congratulations to the winners of the poster and presentation prize Jan Rosenboom Schulz Group, Angelika Nietzel (AG Tamm) Marc C. Neben Sven Schneider 🇺🇦 and Marie Sophie Würdemann (AK Müller)
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) has awarded Prof. Dr. Müller with the "MTA Distinguished Guest Scientist Fellowship" research prize. The research project on "Phosphorus-stabilized carbenes" is being carried out with Prof. László Nyulászi Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
We are pleased to welcome Lilian Szych as a new member of our group. She will now focus on the synthesis and coordination chemistry of low-coordinate arsenic compounds. We are happy to have you here!
Our first paper in J. Chem. Edu. is now online 🎉We show how polychlorides can be used as a safe and convenient alternative to elemental chlorine in demonstration experiments! Great collaboration with Müller Group Berlin and Pölloth. See also videos in SI. pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…
We were happy to see many familiar faces at #EWPC20. We had an amazing time looking forward to a final day tomorrow. Thank you at Helten Group for organising an amazing conference!
We are looking for a new colleague Freie Universität, CRC 1349 Fluorine-Specific Interactions. Junior professorship (TT) in Organic Chemistry with a focus on Fluoroorganic Chemistry. Deadline 18 April 2024. Please repost! fu-berlin.de/universitaet/b…
Out now in Chemical Science the reversible activation of water by a tetrapyridyl phosphinine. pubs.rsc.org/en/content/art… Thanks ever so much to Sam Neale for the computational insights and the hard work of all the students from my time with Müller Group Berlin
Chemoselective Post-Synthesis Modification of Pyridyl-Substituted, Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles: Cationic Ligands for Coordination Chemistry (Christian Mueller and co-workers) Müller Group Berlin onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ch…
Just out in Chemical Communications! The ionic liquid [NEt3Me][Cl3] reacts with P4 to form [PCl6]-. It shows interesting chemistry. It can also release PCl3 at elevated temperatures and acts as a potential PCl3 storage material. Great cooperation with Müller Group Berlin pubs.rsc.org/en/content/art…
Check out 'A polychloride-enabled synthesis of [NEt3Me][PCl6] serving as a potential PCl3-storage and PCl5-reagent' From Christian Müller & Sebastian Riedel #openaccess buff.ly/3UKqc3N
Happy to share my first paper as a (co)corresponding author, featuring a small contribution to the coordination chemistry of iminophosphanes! HeringJunghansLab Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse (LIKAT)