Graziella Pompei
ID: 385105857
04-10-2011 21:52:20
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📢 The Clinical Corner is back with coronary physiology! 📚 Join us to dive into key findings in #FullPhysiology approach with Simone Biscaglia, Andrea Marrone and @mrctsl 📅 Friday May 10th 7.30 am CET ▶️ Link via mailing list

⚡️Read here ⬇️ our paper published today on coronary artery plaque burden in older adults with NSTEACS presented at #EuroPCR PCRonline 🫀 Salvatore Brugaletta Graziella Pompei Francesca Rubino Lorenz Räber, MD PhD

#EuroPCR ⚡️Join us in room 251 at 10.30am today to learn all about #MINOCA with an expert panel! PCRonline 🫀 Salvatore Brugaletta EHJ Editor-in-Chief C Bucciarelli-Ducci Rocco Montone Colin Berry Graziella Pompei See you there 😊 MIЯVΛƬ #IC Aaysha Cader Erik Rafflenbeul

📢#RCM-Vol. 25 No. 5 Coronary Artery Plaque Phenotype and 5-Year Clinical Outcomes in Older Patients with Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome 🤵 Francesca Rubino Salvatore Brugaletta Graziella Pompei Roberto Scarsini Flavio Ribichini Lorenz Räber, MD PhD Professor Vijay Kunadian imrpress.com/journal/RCM/25… #MedEd

⚡️Just published⚡️ ❤️🔥~50% of heart attacks happen in older adults ❤️🔥Inflammation with high IL6, HsCRP is associated with worse outcomes after NSTEACS ❤️🔥Read ⬇️ our work led by Ms. Valerie Dirjayanto MRes Medical Student Newcastle University Graziella Pompei internationaljournalofcardiology.com/article/S0167-…

Grateful and honoured for the opportunity to participate as a presenter and discussant at #EuroPCR 2024: 🫀Insightful session on MINOCA management 🖥️AI-powered coronary physiology 👵🏻Prognostic role of inflammatory markers in older NSTEACS patients 👉🏻 internationaljournalofcardiology.com/article/S0167-…

PPG, focal and diffuse disease: the new way of utilizing coronary physiology PCRonline 🫀 Carlos Collet MD PhD

📢 New #GISEYoung Clinical Corner episode is approaching! 📚 Join Antonio G. Bruno giulia masiero & Roberto Nerla for a challenging case of #TAVI in low risk patient 📅 Friday June 14th 7.30 am CET ▶️ Link via mailing list

📢 The FIRST episode of the #GISEYoung Statistical Corner is approaching! Join Alice Benedetti Francesco Bruno and Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai for an insightful discussion on RCT! Save the date: 📅 Friday Jun 28th 7.30 am CET ▶️ Link via mailing list

⁉️ Are you ready for the next episode?? #GISE #ClinicalCorner is back with a hot topic: coronary #complications Stay tuned & join the discussion with federica serino, MatteoReccia & Fabrizio Ugo, MD 🗓️ Friday June 5th 7.30 am CET 🔗 Link via mailing list