Graziella Pompei (@graziellapompei) 's Twitter Profile
Graziella Pompei


ID: 385105857

calendar_today04-10-2011 21:52:20

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Graziella Pompei (@graziellapompei) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Episode 5 of the #EAPCI #JournalClub 📚NOTION-2 trial 🗓️ #savethedate 29th May 18-18.40 CET ⬇️ Register here for free 👇🏼

Sici GISE (@sicigise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 The Clinical Corner is back with coronary physiology! 📚 Join us to dive into key findings in #FullPhysiology approach with Simone Biscaglia, Andrea Marrone and @mrctsl 📅 Friday May 10th 7.30 am CET ▶️ Link via mailing list

📢 The Clinical Corner is back with coronary physiology!

📚 Join us to dive into key findings in #FullPhysiology approach with <a href="/SimoneBiscaglia/">Simone Biscaglia</a>, <a href="/AndreaMarrone3/">Andrea Marrone</a> and @mrctsl

📅 Friday May 10th 7.30 am CET
▶️ Link via mailing list
Professor Vijay Kunadian (@vijaykunadian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⚡️Just published⚡️ ❤️‍🔥~50% of heart attacks happen in older adults ❤️‍🔥Inflammation with high IL6, HsCRP is associated with worse outcomes after NSTEACS ❤️‍🔥Read ⬇️ our work led by Ms. Valerie Dirjayanto MRes Medical Student Newcastle University Graziella Pompei…

⚡️Just published⚡️
❤️‍🔥~50% of heart attacks happen in older adults
❤️‍🔥Inflammation with high IL6, HsCRP is associated with worse outcomes after NSTEACS
❤️‍🔥Read ⬇️ our work led by Ms. Valerie Dirjayanto MRes Medical Student <a href="/UniofNewcastle/">Newcastle University</a> <a href="/GraziellaPompei/">Graziella Pompei</a>…
Davide Capodanno (@dfcapodanno) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Everything we have learned so far about the revascularization of non-culprit lesions in patients with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel disease... in 1 minute.

EAPCIPresident (@eapcipresident) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ASK YOUR QUESTION to the #EAPCIJournalClub Team in comments to this post ‼️Top 3 questions will be asked first in the #EAPCIJournalClub‼️ 🗓️29 May ⏰18:00 - 18:40 🔗#ESC365Website Register for FREE: 🔗

Graziella Pompei (@graziellapompei) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grateful and honoured for the opportunity to participate as a presenter and discussant at #EuroPCR 2024: 🫀Insightful session on MINOCA management 🖥️AI-powered coronary physiology 👵🏻Prognostic role of inflammatory markers in older NSTEACS patients 👉🏻…

Grateful and honoured for the opportunity to participate as a presenter and discussant at #EuroPCR 2024: 
🫀Insightful session on MINOCA management
🖥️AI-powered coronary physiology
👵🏻Prognostic role of inflammatory markers in older NSTEACS patients 👉🏻…
Sici GISE (@sicigise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎙To all the #IC fellows: have a look at the case presentation and reply to the poll in the comments, share your thoughts!! chief, @marioiannacon8 federica serino

Sici GISE (@sicigise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 New #GISEYoung Clinical Corner episode is approaching! 📚 Join Antonio G. Bruno giulia masiero & Roberto Nerla for a challenging case of #TAVI in low risk patient 📅 Friday June 14th 7.30 am CET ▶️ Link via mailing list

📢 New #GISEYoung Clinical Corner episode is approaching!

📚 Join <a href="/tonyobrowno/">Antonio G. Bruno</a> <a href="/giuliamasiero3/">giulia masiero</a> &amp; Roberto Nerla for a challenging case of #TAVI in low risk patient

📅 Friday June 14th 7.30 am CET
▶️ Link via mailing list
Sici GISE (@sicigise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 The FIRST episode of the #GISEYoung Statistical Corner is approaching! Join Alice Benedetti Francesco Bruno and Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai for an insightful discussion on RCT! Save the date: 📅 Friday Jun 28th 7.30 am CET ▶️ Link via mailing list

📢 The FIRST episode of the #GISEYoung Statistical Corner is approaching!
Join <a href="/AliceBen_90/">Alice Benedetti</a> <a href="/cescobruno/">Francesco Bruno</a> and <a href="/gbiondizoccai/">Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai</a> for an insightful discussion on RCT!  

Save the date:
📅 Friday Jun 28th 7.30 am CET
▶️ Link via mailing list
Journal Club Channel (@thecardiojc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⁉️ Are you ready for the next episode?? #GISE #ClinicalCorner is back with a hot topic: coronary #complications Stay tuned & join the discussion with federica serino, MatteoReccia & Fabrizio Ugo, MD 🗓️ Friday June 5th 7.30 am CET 🔗 Link via mailing list

Gianluca Campo (@gianlucacampo78) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Waiting ESC24... HOT LINE are available... reafy to know more about complete revasc in Older MI patients? 🌎-STEMI is coming...…

Graziella Pompei (@graziellapompei) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A portrayal of the current status of sex-related differences in the diagnosis and treatment of major CVD areas to raise awareness and stimulate future sex- and gender-based research: a joint British Cardiovascular Societies’ consensus document

Sici GISE (@sicigise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨#SaveTheDate🚨 Excited to announce the next episode of #ClinicalCorner: 📅 11 Oct 2024 👉A special format designed for young interventionalists 👉Join the #GISEyoung for a deep dive into the latest insights and techniques in #InterventionalCardiology Stay tuned 🙌