Tilbe Göksun
language & cognition (lclab.ku.edu.tr) @KuLanguage, faculty member @kocuniversity, tweets in English & Turkish
ID: 1381313665140416513
http://www.tilbegoksunyoruk.com/ 11-04-2021 18:30:31
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Great keynote by Morgan Barense

It was a great conference! Thanks to the organizers! Our lab (Koc University Language & Cognition Lab) had 3 in-person and 2 virtual poster presentations. Looking forward to next year’s meeting in San Francisco! #cogsci2024

We participated in CogSci conference with 3 in-person and 2 virtual posters! Many thanks to everyone involved in the organization! #CogSci2024 CogSci Society

Just published! Our new study explores how Japanese speakers use emojis, revealing a preference for SOV or OV sequences, mirroring Japanese grammar. This insight highlights the influence of native language on emoji communication. 🚀📚 #EmojiResearch …itiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.11…

SPECIAL ISSUE: ICONICITY AND SOUND SYMBOLISM Do 14–17-month-old infants use iconic speech and gesture cues to interpret word meanings? doi.org/10.1121/10.002… #acoustics @suzanneaussems @ldeveysmith Sotaro Kita Warwick Psychology

Very happy about this paper, representing our lab's work on early vocabulary development from last ten years with two longitudinal studies - with a focus on Turkish and Turkish Sign Language learners. And look at my amazing co-authors: Asli Aktan-Erciyes Dilay Z Karadöller Dr. Ece Demir-Lira

Visa barriers no more. Association for Psychological Science is organizing its inaugural virtual Global Summit. The deadline for submissions is August 20. Great opportunity for European and Middle-Eastern scholars with stellar graduate students Tilbe Göksun Sami Gülgöz Prof. Asli Ozyurek @ozyurek_a

A recent paper led by Naziye Güneş Acar with me & Ali Tekcan. We compared adults' and children's gesture use in retellings of autobiographical memories. Details in hand: How does gesturing relate to autobiographical memory? tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Register for our September 4 webinar with Savannah Lewis & Miguel Silan 🌸 (Psychological Science Accelerator), Olivia Miske (Center for Open Science), Tilbe Göksun and learn how to form and maintain international collaborations member.psychologicalscience.org/events/event-d… #AcademicChatter #APSGlobal #Science

Sharing the Emotion & Gesture paper again (with a correct link) 😊 ZeynepAslan Demet Özer Exploring Emotions Through Co-speech Gestures: The Caveats and New Directions journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17…