Gökce Yurdakul
professor of sociology, specializing on immigration & gender @BIM_HU; @Div_Soc_Confl; @HumboldtUni;
ID: 1112543034678349828
https://www.sowi.hu-berlin.de/de/lehrbereiche/diversity/mitarbeiter-innen/1682846 01-04-2019 02:31:44
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Doctoral candidate Khayyam Namazov’s very interesting work on LGBTQI+ activism in Azerbaijan. 👏🏻👏🏻 Khayyam Namazov

❕Aktionswochen gegen #antimuslimischenRassismus 📣„Zivilgesellschaftliches Lagebild antimuslimischer Rassismus“ von CLAIM mit Artikeln von u.a. Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan , Prof. Dr. Zerrin Salikutluk und Dr. Seyran Bostanci ist erschienen. ➡️ claim-allianz.de/aktuelles/publ…

Amazing discussions while working with Dr Sarah Scuzzarello Liza Mügge Jean Beaman and #Sirijit Sunanta on the „Oxford Handbook on Intersectional Approaches to Migration, Gender and Sexuality“ , planned for publication in 2025.

In the meanwhile in Berlin… After the Futures of Democracy panel in Berlin University alliance symposium with Tarik Abou-Chadi #nihadelkayed #anitagohdes Berlin University Alliance

Oxford-Berlin research partnership workshop BIM with COMPAS on civic engagement w/ migrants & refugees & inclusive cities with colleagues from TU-Berlin & FU-Berlin. See you at Oxford in the Fall! @nihadelkayed Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin University Alliance

We just hosted Myra Marx Ferree at DeZIM. She gave a great lecture on political demography, showing how family and gender politics changed over history. co-sponsored by @FU Gender & Sociology BIM Seyran Bostanci Kathrin Zippel

Brilliant sociological commentary by two critical minds highlighting dangers of stigma about especially Muslim men… trending as „Talahon“…mainstreaming on German media. Seyran Bostanci Özgür Özvatan faz.net/aktuell/gesell…

I visited the University of South Pacific in Fiji funded by Erasmus Exchange. The thematic focus is gender, migration and climate challenges. My host Dr Calabró at the Gender Studies. Fijian MA students will be selected to study at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin through this Erasmus exchange.

I'm so happy to see this exhibition coming together and showcasing the materials from SOGICA IranQueeRefugee and my own Queer migration projects. It's on at the Sussex Library from Monday til Oct 11th. Have a look and let us know what you think!