Girls Who Chase
Diversifying the “face” of weather & science. 💥 We inspire, empower & equip girls & women to pursue storms, the sciences & their passions.
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http://girlswhochase.com 12-11-2021 03:00:03
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Ethan Moriarty Seeing as hardly anyone has mentioned a female chaser or met in this thread, allow me: karen kosiba Melanie Metz Jen Walton Paige🌪 Paige Vincent 💃 Red Dress Series Nenah Demunster Jennifer Brindley Ubl LoriGraceWX Erin Trischa Sheridan Lauren Baca 🌪️ Shannon Bileski☈ amyMhoward

We're teaming up with Girls Who Chase for an exciting webinar on meteorology ⛅ and storm chasing 🌪️! Join us for an engaging discussion with weather experts and veteran storm chasers Ginger Zee, Elizabeth Leitman, karen kosiba, & Melanie Metz. Register today: bit.ly/4gjGoCm

Aurora vs fog last night #aurora #northernlights #teamtanner Dar Tanner Dr. Tamitha Skov James Rowley-Hill Scott Rock Mike MacLellan

When the sky stops you in your tracks and reminds you that this world, this life, this planet, this existence is truly magnificent. Le Sueur, MN 8/26/24 #Minnesota #mnwx #stormchasing Girls Who Chase

FINALLY!! Some clear skies and pulsing aurora this morning between 4-6am. Oh and a meteor too! Alix, Alberta Sept 16/24 ᴛʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴀɴɴᴇʀ Dr. Tamitha Skov James Rowley-Hill SpaceWeatherLive Girls Who Chase Scott Rock Scott Sutherland, Science Writer

American Meteorological Society is partnering with Girls Who Chase for a free webinar on meteorology ⛅ and storm chasing 🌪️! Join us for an engaging discussion with weather experts Ginger Zee, Elizabeth Leitman, karen kosiba, & Melanie Metz. More info: girlswhochase.com/weatherpanel20…

Dear lord 😱 what a FANTASTIC show we had in central Alberta tonight! 💃🏻 #aurora #NorthernLights #AuroraBorealis #teamtanner Dar Tanner Dr. Tamitha Skov James Rowley-Hill Scott Rock Mike MacLellan Derick Wilson

JESUS!! Incredible G3 Aurora over Alix Alberta tonight!!🤯😍 #Aurora #TeamTanner ᴛʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴀɴɴᴇʀ Dr. Tamitha Skov James Rowley-Hill Scott Rock Mike MacLellan James Spann

What questions do you have for our amazing panelists about getting into meteorology and storm chasing? Submit them by SUNDAY through the Q&A form and we'll respond during Tuesday's webinar w/Girls Who Chase: bit.ly/3zqMaBA Learn more & register: bit.ly/3ZrirmB