Gibbs Middle School
Knox County Schools
ID: 1017077598306828288
https://www.knoxschools.org/gibbsms 11-07-2018 16:06:10
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Hmmm.....how do we make a marble roller coaster with a loop and that lands in the cup? We ❤️ science phenomenon! @PrincipalCWhite Andrea Berry Gibbs Middle School Kayla Montgomery @kaec_science

6th Grade Science PLC rocking planning, with the new standards in mind, and integrating Edulastic for their Standards Based Assessments! Gibbs Middle School Caitlin Long Lynn Berney @PrincipalCWhite

7th Grade Math PLC discusses rigorous assessments and remediation that will build stamina and depth of knowledge! Gibbs Middle School @PrincipalCWhite

Really great professional learning this morning with Kelsey Oliver and 6th grade teachers! This makes me smile! 😊

just made the COOLEST SBA on Edulastic ➡️ Pear Assessment — cannot wait for my kids to take it!! I hope they are as excited about all the cool features and options as I am! #ItsAGibbsThing @PrincipalCWhite

Enjoying nacol and learning with these Gibbs Middle School educators. #PrideintheG #itsagibbsthing #kcsple Knox County Schools

Tomorrow night’s Gibbs Middle School basketball game at Carter has been rescheduled for Friday, December 14th. @CMS_principal_

Caitlin Long is the whole package! I’m thrilled Gibbs Middle School has her!!