M. Gabriela Gastanadui (@gastanadui_mg) 's Twitter Profile
M. Gabriela Gastanadui


Cardiology Fellow @YaleCardiology I Internal Medicine @UABIMRes I MD @CayetanoHeredia

ID: 1273048741247844352

calendar_today17-06-2020 00:24:14

38 Tweet

179 Takipçi

163 Takip Edilen

UAB IM Residency (@uabimres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to M. Gabriela Gastanadui (PGY-2) for earning the Research Resident Scholar Award. This award will help support her career development in research and academics. Look forward to hearing about your work in residency and beyond! Way to go Gabriela! 👏🥳👏

UAB IM Residency (@uabimres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to these 🌟 PGY-2s, John Craver, M. Gabriela Gastanadui, and Brian Westbrook, on making it to the finals for the Doctor’s Dilemma competition at #2022ALMSACP! Good luck tomorrow!

Congrats to these 🌟 PGY-2s, John Craver, <a href="/Gastanadui_MG/">M. Gabriela Gastanadui</a>, and Brian Westbrook, on making it to the finals for the Doctor’s Dilemma competition at #2022ALMSACP! 

Good luck tomorrow!
UAB IM Residency (@uabimres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week we honored our incredible new PGY-3s at our annual “Legacy Dinner.” This was started a decade ago to honor the legacy of our program and the leadership of Dr. Harrison. He taught us to practice with our heads and Hearts. This group embodies “excellence without ego”.

Last week we honored our incredible new PGY-3s at our annual “Legacy Dinner.” This was started a decade ago  to honor the legacy of our program and the leadership of Dr. Harrison. He taught us to practice with our heads and Hearts. This group embodies “excellence without ego”.
Richard Ferraro (@richardaferraro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Really nice piece in JACC Journals #JACCAdvances on assessment of perfusion in cardiogenic shock Important read for #Medtwitter residents and #FITs everywhere! jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…

Really nice piece in <a href="/JACCJournals/">JACC Journals</a> #JACCAdvances on assessment of perfusion in cardiogenic shock

Important read for #Medtwitter residents and #FITs everywhere! 

Ronald Witteles (@ron_witteles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lots of interesting #clinicaltrial results here at #ESCCongress for the #heartfailure world. A quick 🧵on those I felt were the most interesting & impactful...

CardioNerds Journal Club (@cardionerdsjc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out the amazing visual abstract created by Anjali Agarwalla, with review by chief Jessie Holtzman & director @DevesRaiMD. The full text article can be found here: nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… #CardsJC

Check out the amazing visual abstract created by <a href="/anjaliagarwalla/">Anjali Agarwalla</a>, with review by chief <a href="/jholtzman3/">Jessie Holtzman</a> &amp; director @DevesRaiMD. The full text article can be found here:   

Alfonso Valle (@vallealfonso) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and CKD-ism in #HF – what a mess! 👉distinction must be drawn between a low eGFR and CKD in #HF 👉In eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2, the risk is high and the benefits of recommended 💊 is less certain #CardioTwitter

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and CKD-ism in #HF – what a mess!
👉distinction must be drawn between a low eGFR and CKD in #HF
👉In eGFR &lt;30 ml/min/1.73 m2, the risk is high and the benefits of recommended 💊 is less certain
M. Gabriela Gastanadui (@gastanadui_mg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Beyond excited to have matched at Yale for Cardiology fellowship!! Can’t wait to start! Forever grateful for my mentors and their support, it’ll be hard to leave UAB and the incredible friends I’ve made!

Beyond excited to have matched at Yale for Cardiology fellowship!! Can’t wait to start! Forever grateful for my mentors and their support, it’ll be hard to leave UAB and the incredible friends I’ve made!
American College of Cardiology (@accintouch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 ACC’s #InternalMedicine 2023 Programs Deadline Extended! Apply now through Jan. 3 and don't miss your chance to become the next #TheFaceofCardiology. Plus, 🔗 with CV experts leading 4️⃣ cohorts! 🔎️ bit.ly/3wYVDbZ #ACCDiversity #LGBTQinMedicine #CardioTwitter

📢 ACC’s #InternalMedicine 2023 Programs Deadline Extended! 

Apply now through Jan. 3 and don't miss your chance to become the next #TheFaceofCardiology. Plus, 🔗 with CV experts leading 4️⃣ cohorts! 

🔎️ bit.ly/3wYVDbZ #ACCDiversity #LGBTQinMedicine #CardioTwitter
Ankeet S. Bhatt, MD, MBA (@ankeetbhatt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An honor to present #IMPLEMENTHF American College of Cardiology #ACC23. Virtual care teams: effective, safe & potentially scalable in improving GDMT. An absolute thrill to work w/ the best team Muthu Vaduganathan Sunny Varshney, MD scottdavidsolomon. Simpub now out in JACC Journals! jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…

An honor to present #IMPLEMENTHF <a href="/ACCinTouch/">American College of Cardiology</a> #ACC23.  Virtual care teams: effective, safe &amp; potentially scalable in improving GDMT.  An absolute thrill to work w/ the best team <a href="/mvaduganathan/">Muthu Vaduganathan</a> <a href="/SunnyVMD/">Sunny Varshney, MD</a> <a href="/scottdsolomon/">scottdavidsolomon</a>. Simpub now out in <a href="/JACCJournals/">JACC Journals</a>! jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…
James Januzzi Jr MD (@jjheart_doc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm on service presently. It's clear that folks WANT to titrate #GDMTworks for their pts with #HFrEF but the need for guidance HOW to do it is massive. This review provides a practical approach for how to titrate #GDMT, written by experienced clinicians. bit.ly/3mGzlMF

I'm on service presently.  It's clear that folks WANT to titrate #GDMTworks for their pts with #HFrEF but the need for guidance HOW to do it is massive.

This review provides a practical approach for how to titrate #GDMT, written by experienced clinicians. bit.ly/3mGzlMF
Ryan J Tedford MD (@ryantedfordmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to share our #ThePeoplesVentricle review out today in NEJM. We hope this is approachable and useful for all physicians, not just RV experts. Very appreciative of the collaboration with Brian Houston MD & #EvanBrittain. MUSC Cardiology MUSC Health nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…

UAB IM Residency (@uabimres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are so proud of our PGY-3s, John Craver, M. Gabriela Gastanadui, and Brian Westbrook, who made it to semi-finals for #ACP2023 Doctor’s Dilemma!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️Congratulations ⭐️⭐️⭐️

We are so proud of our PGY-3s, John Craver, <a href="/Gastanadui_MG/">M. Gabriela Gastanadui</a>, and Brian Westbrook, who made it to semi-finals for #ACP2023 Doctor’s Dilemma!! 

⭐️⭐️⭐️Congratulations ⭐️⭐️⭐️
UAB IM Residency (@uabimres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So proud of our graduating class! You started residency in the midst of COVID. Now you will go out into the world with courage, compassion, and joy. We can’t wait to see where your journeys lead!

So proud of our graduating class! You started residency in the midst of COVID. Now you will go out into the world with courage, compassion, and joy. We can’t wait to see where your journeys lead!
Cesia Gallegos, MD MHS FASNC (@cesiagallegos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is my patient and his story is heartbreaking. Thank you Circulation Quality and Outcomes for amplifying his voice. We can do better for him. *Posted with patient’s permission (and at his request) ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…

This is my patient and his story is heartbreaking. Thank you <a href="/CircAHA/">Circulation</a> Quality and Outcomes for amplifying his voice. We can do better for him. 

*Posted with patient’s permission (and at his request) ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…
Ruey Hu, MD, MPH (@ruey_hu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Need help interpreting right heart cath or 🦢Swan numbers? Swanology.org is for you 🦢🦢🦢 Creative work by Brototo Deb (Brodie), MD, MIDS, they/them (🫀PDs, he's interviewing!) M. Gabriela Gastanadui Elliott Miller. Proud to mentor this project. 🧵Please comment on features you'd want in the next version!

Need help interpreting right heart cath or 🦢Swan numbers? Swanology.org is for you 🦢🦢🦢

Creative work by <a href="/BrototoD/">Brototo Deb (Brodie), MD, MIDS, they/them</a> (🫀PDs, he's interviewing!) <a href="/Gastanadui_MG/">M. Gabriela Gastanadui</a> <a href="/ElliottMillerMD/">Elliott Miller</a>. Proud to mentor this project. 🧵Please comment on features you'd want in the next version!