Lee Gamble
multiwave artist @annex_agency @Hyperdub @PAN_hq @NTSlive @uiqorg @beggarsmusic
ID: 423813430
https://www.instagram.com/lee___gamble 28-11-2011 23:48:37
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Tonight at Barbican Centre – Lee Gamble and Candela Capitán present „Models” – an Unsound commission co-produced with Sónar Festival. Additionally, Marina Herlop will open the night. Grab the tickets here: tinyurl.com/modelsatbarbic…

the most amazing evening yesterday watching Candela Capitán choreography to music “Models” by Lee Gamble Barbican Centre … haunting thought provoking, immersive soundscape, with ghostly techno puppets enthral to the screen interface. #leegamble #candelacapitan

Hanging on the phone with Lee Gamble and Candela Capitán. AI & Music, powered by S+T+ARTS #sonar2024 #sonarfestival #frequencyofnow

.Lee Gamble's AI-assisted LP 'Models' explores the frontiers between artificial and organic. With choreographer Candela Capitán, he brought it to life with a radical show at SonarHall. Part of AI & Music powered by STARTS Co-produced by Sónar and Unsound #frequencyofnow