Gary Collins 🇪🇺
Professor of Medical Statistics @UniofOxford | Director @CSMOxford & UK @EQUATORNetwork | NIHR Senior Investigator | BMJ Stats Ed | @TRIPODStatement +AI |🚴
ID: 299115067
https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=cVKF81gAAAAJ 15-05-2011 14:48:36
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Classic pic, the classic pair of statisticians. Doug Altman is very much missed. If only researchers followed their guidance, we would have been spared much #ResearchWaste Matthias Egger Maarten van Smeden Hoping to return one day Gary Collins 🇪🇺 Richard Riley (R²)

Progress on the Chatbot Assessment Reporting Tool - #CHART! Panel Consensus 2/3 co-chaired with Gordon Guyatt Pictured: our global, multi-d expert panel - apologies to those missed #MedTwitter #AI Julio Mayol Tim Feeney Elizabeth Loder, MD, MPH Annette Flanagin Dr Riaz Agha Stavros Antoniou Gary Collins 🇪🇺 Nan Liu, Duke-NUS

NEW in the @BMJ_latest by EQUATOR Executive Group “Reporting on data sharing” bmj.com/content/386/bm… Data sharing in biomedicine needs to become an expected & standard practice. EQUATOR Network is well positioned to support initiatives in reporting all aspects of data sharing

NEW PAPER in the @BMJ_latest “Reporting on data sharing" bmj.com/content/386/bm… Highlighting the role of the EQUATOR Network & reporting guidelines in #openscience & #reproducibility by recommending transparency in data sharing for biomedical research.

Data sharing is important and should be a checklist item in all reporting guidelines, say EQUATOR Network in this position statement bmj.com/content/386/bm…

Data sharing is important and should be a checklist item in all reporting guidelines, say EQUATOR Network More focus should be given to structuring and standardising data management and sharing plans bmj.com/content/386/bm…?

The Better Methods for Better Research (BMBR) Programme, a joint partnership between Medical Research Council and NIHR, will now be managed by NIHR with an increased budget. Find out more: nihr.ac.uk/news/nihr-take…

Chain retraction: how to stop bad science propagating through the literature, a great comment by Guillaume Cabanac ⟨here and elsewhere⟩. nature.com/articles/d4158…

#Transparency is one of the six core principles underpinning the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on #ethics and #governance of #ArtificialIntelligence for health who.int/publications/i… Important to adhere to the TRIPOD+AI reporting standards🙏 --> bmj.com/content/385/bm… #trustworthyAI

Stage 13 in this new guide by Orestis Efthimiou on developing prediction models emphasises the importance of transparent and complete reporting. Readers need to know what you've done and the implications of the findings. Use the TRIPOD+AI statement 🙏 bmj.com/content/385/bm…

Open and reproducible research is predicated on complete and transparent reporting. Visit the equator-network.org based at the University of Oxford to find the relevant reporting recommendations for your health research study. #transparency #researchintegrity #openresearch

Ashley Clift's DPhil Thesis - interested in predictive medicine? this is a good read. Gary Collins 🇪🇺 Development and evaluation of clinical prediction models for risk-stratified early detection, prevention and management of breast cancer ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:f… via @oxforduni_repo

Three years of collaboration – plans for the EQUATOR Network and Center for Open Science collaboration #PubPlan #MedComms #OpenScience #ReportingGuidelines #ResearchIntegrity thepublicationplan.com/2024/09/17/equ…