Fife Professional Learning Team
Empowering Education in Fife to improve learning, teaching, assessment and relationships through supporting career long Professional Learning and collaboration.
ID: 4856978637
https://fifecloud.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/EdLearning/SitePages/Topic-1.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=cvHEqY 28-01-2016 12:29:02
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What have we got on offer this term? There's Apple Teacher and creating with drawing & photo with Fife Apple RTC, cyber resilience & internet safety support and the opportunity to explore using interactive screens & visualisers. Interested? Sign up details ➡️bit.ly/fifedigi

We're excited for the school year ahead and all of the digital offers 👩💻 Check out what's coming up each term including the Digital Learning and Teaching themed weeks, which will have even more to offer! Links with more details here ➡️bit.ly/fifedigi

We are delighted to be hosting a Fife Electric Kit Car 🏎️Info and Network Session Lochgelly High School with Mr McDougall on Thursday 12th September 4-5pm. Open to any primary secondary school either with or interested in starting a Goblin/F24 team. Support from STEM Ambassadors in Scotland 💡

Calling #ScottishSchools 🏴 Don’t miss this free webinar with Oxford Primary and Fife Professional Learning Team on Tues 10 Sept! #phonics #reading #CPD

A privilege to spend the morning with Fife Professional Learning Team exploring #AppleTeacher Apple Education resources and discussing ways to use apps/features such as Markup, Keynote, accessibility tools and iMovie in the classroom #FifeRTC #AppleRTC

Calling all Fife primary practitioners. Our 3-part STEM across the Curriculum PL starts on the 19th of September Pitteuchar East Primary School Primary. Sign up on the Fife Education PL Intranet Page. 🤖🌍🌱💡

Delighted to officially launch our digitally refreshed #KeepingCoolInSchool HWB resource today. Were you there? Check it out at coolinschool.co.uk Fife Professional Learning Team Wellbeing In Fife EdScot Inclusion Wellbeing & Equalities EdScotHWB

Calling all Fife primary and secondary practitioners. Do you want to find out more about Greenpower 🏎️Goblins and F24s? There is still time to sign up for our Electric Kit Car Information and Networking Session next Thursday (12th Sept) 4-5pm Lochgelly High School. 💡🫶