Farm biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect a property from the entry and spread of pests and diseases.
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http://www.farmbiosecurity.com.au 22-09-2016 06:16:35
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One of these bees is Australia's 'teddy bear bee' and the other is a North American bumblebee, which competes with native birds and bees for nectar. Do you know which is which? Find out on Invasive Species Council’s #InsectWatch portal: bit.ly/3la08Oo
The Farm Biosecurity newsletter is out now! It features the latest resources for sheep owners, 2021-22 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug season and more. If you subscribe, you’ll also receive a free mobile macro lens! Read the newsletter: bit.ly/3n3Duqy @AHA_au Plant Health Aust
Just jumped off zoom with the #Biosecurity Q&A panel at #Agtech21 in Emerald next week. Can't wait to chair this top line up: Jaime Manning, Rob Long CAS & Nancy Schellhorn, with big gun Pete Lewis Plant Health Aust @AHA_au @FarmBiosecurity i4 Connect
📣 LISTEN NOW: Biosecurity & business continuity Nathan Scott Nathan Scott on how emergency animal disease impacts producers. 🎧 STREAM: ow.ly/C6GR50GFSNi 🐑 @AHA_au Livestock SA Sheep Producers Australia WoolProducers Aust. Meat & Livestock Australia @SheepConnectSA #RMWTechTalks #RedMeatAndWool
Find the latest on-farm biosecurity news, hot tips, industry updates and more in the most recent @FarmBiosecurity e-newsletter 📰 Read the full update here: bit.ly/3H7IcNe Or Subscribe to stay up-to-date here: bit.ly/3khTIvJ
Keep your farm biosecurity plan on hand where ever you go! 👉 apple.co/34y8wBk Through the @FarmBiosecurity app you can design your very own #biosecurity plan based on the six biosecurity essentials, covering every aspect of your day-to-day activites. Plant Health Aust
Are you a primary producer and want to head to the 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium but can’t manage to find the funds? You’re in luck, head to 👇farmbiosecurity.com.au/primary-produc… Plant Health Aust @cattlecouncilau WoolProducers Aust. ADF Beef Australia National Dairy Council AMIC
"Eradication is a complex process and we need to see more adoption by growers to be prepared. We work with PHA on the ORC framework to get the best results for impacted growers but industry needs to be better with on-farm biosecurity." Greenlife Industry Australia John McDonald #HortConn22
Have you heard? Farm Biosecurity is moving to a new home 👉🏠 follow Plant Health Aust and @animalhealthaus for biosecurity updates
Farm Biosecurity updates will now be available via Plant Health Aust and @animalhealthaus so be sure to go follow!
Find updates on biosecurity at Plant Health Aust and @animalhealthaus when we consolidate this account
We’re moving our twitter updates to Plant Health Aust and @animalhealthaus for all things farm biosecurity
This account will be decommissioned in the coming weeks, be sure to follow Plant Health Aust and @animalhealthaus for all things farm biosecurity
Find all biosecurity updates at Plant Health Aust and @animalhealthaus in the future as we consolidate accounts
⏰Have you nominated a #biosecurity champion for the 2022 Australian Biosecurity Awards 🏆? Nominations close on 📆Mon, 22 August. Nominate a champion today: agriculture.gov.au/ABA. #AusBioAwards Animal Health Australia