FZ Borstel
Hier twittert das Forschungszentrum Borstel, Leibniz Lungenzentrum. Impressum: bit.ly/2MLiBxs
ID: 632685482
http://www.fz-borstel.de 11-07-2012 07:38:05
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Finally, we thank our institutes FZ Borstel, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine and LIV for supporting our efforts and our retreat. Let's improve the situation of postdocs together! #WorkingConditions #Postdocs #IchBinHanna

Seit Jahrtausenden erkranken Menschen an der #Tuberkulose. Jetzt haben Forschende von #CharitéBerlin, Harvard Medical School und FZ Borstel mehr über die Übertragbarkeit verschiedener Tuberkulosestämme herausgefunden. Mehr im Charité Paper spotlight: charite.de/forschung/pape…

Rechnung ohne den Wirt gemacht! Forschende des FZ Borstel, der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin & der Harvard Medical School konnten in einer aktuellen Studie in der Nature Microbiology zeigen, dass die Übertragbarkeit der #Tuberkulose nicht nur vom Erreger abhängt: ▶️tinyurl.com/5fkkkr7c DZIF - Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung PMI

Which Strains of Tuberculosis Are the Most Infectious? New research from DBMI's Maha Farhat and Matthias Groschel in Nature Microbiology shows shared geographic origin between TB strain and human host could amplify risk for infection. Story via Harvard Medical School. hms.harvard.edu/news/which-str…

Reckoned without one's host: Researchers from the FZ Borstel, the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin & the Harvard Medical School showed in a recent study in Nature Microbiology that the transmissibility of tuberculosis does not only depend on the pathogen:▶️tinyurl.com/5fkkkr7c DZIF - Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung PMI

🔎take a closer look - epidemiological analysis shows host-pathogen sympatry affects Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage transmission in humans by @Maha_Farhat Matthias Groschel nature.com/articles/s4156…

Wichtige Studie von Matthias Groschel Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin und Kolleginnen & Kollegen von Harvard Medical School & FZ Borstel zur Sympatrie von Tuberkulose-Erregern und Menschen. Einige Erregerlinien bevorzugen ganz bestimmte menschliche Populationen. Jetzt online bei Nature Microbiology 👏

Are you a #postdoc at a #Leibniz Institute? Than register now for an enriching and engaging event designed just for you! The LeibnizPostDocs is excited to invite you to the upcoming General Assembly on November 14th & 15th. Furhter information: leibniz-postdoc.de/event/lpn-gene…

📢We are delighted to announce the keynote speakers for this years NDI3 conference: ▶️Prof. Dr. Katja Kaninnen University of Eastern Finland ▶️Prof. Dr. Jochen Guck Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light & ▶️Dr. Kirsten Bos MPI-EVA Leipzig Registration will open soon! ndi3.fz-borstel.de

⚡️Great coincidence! First day of the lipidomics forum FZ Borstel, our first paper with lipidomics is peer-reviewed at iScience journal! Congratulations to first author Stevanus A. Listian! 🎉cell.com/iscience/fullt…

LIPID MAPS Avanti Polar Lipids Shevchenko Lab Lipidomics Standard Initiative (LSI) Lipidomics.at International Lipidomics Society EpiLipidNET Targeting fatty acid activation in Mycobacterium. Fantastic illustrated lecture! Sylvana Victoria Hüttel with new insight into M. membrane damage and FACL6 lipotoxicity. International Lipidomics Society Lipidomics.at Shevchenko Lab

Many thanks to all participants of the 9th #Lipidomics Forum for three days full of exciting presentations, interesting discussions and a fruitful exchange at the FZ Borstel. See you next year in Vienna!

Great start of #MYCOBACT2024 with a talk by Stefan Niemann from FZ Borstel! 🤩🤩🤩

📺 Große Guckempfehlung! Kampf dem alten weißen Mann ☠: Dr. Christian Herzmann, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter des FZ Borstel, widmet sich in seinem aktuellen Science-Slam-Vortrag einem wichtigen Thema: Der Organspende! youtu.be/VDurTxutqqM?fe…