EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile


Evergreen Circuits is a company which makes products to overcome disability through circuitry. Home of Independence Drive.

ID: 1059260722473926656

calendar_today05-11-2018 01:46:51

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Blue Sky Designs Inc (@_blueskydesigns) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to see our Minnesota-made Mount'n Mover play a supporting role for EvergreenCircuits Independence Drive--so cool to use your eyes to drive a cool QuantumRehab #Stretto #DoMoreWithAMountThatMoves

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Independence Drive uses eye gaze technology to drive wheelchairs. Interested in more info? Visit evergreencircuits.com #ALS #mobilitysolutions #independencedrive #evergreencircuits #alstechnology

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats Steve Gleason! Well deserved! Without your support we would not be here to provide Independence Drive. Thank you for all your hard work!! #stevegleason #teamgleason #evergreencircuits #independencedrive #alsmobility @alstechnology houmatoday.com/news/20200103/ā€¦

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Independence Drive allows people to drive their wheelchair using their eye gaze technology. We're so grateful for the support of Team Gleason. Interested in more info? Visit our evergreencircuits.com and fill out our "contact me" form.

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A nice article about Jay Smith, one of our partners at Evergreen Circuits. Helped us to create Independence Drive. Jay Smith @ALS Alex Solleirotechnology @alsmobility capemaycountyherald.com/community/busiā€¦

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was able to go to Swedish in Seattle and show them how Independence Drive works. #ALS #alternativedrive #Independencedrive #alsmobility facebook.com/evergreencircuā€¦

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great article about Hiro Fujita the founder of #ENDALS in Japan. Working to find a cure, and help those with ALS. #ALS #hirofujita alsnewstoday.com/2020/01/07/endā€¦

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great picture of Team Gleason. With our very own Jay Beavers representing in the back. It's an incredible person that can bring together such a group to fight ALS! Thank you Steve Gleason - "Live Impossible". #nowhiteflags #als #Independencedrive #teamgleason

Great picture of Team Gleason. With our very own Jay Beavers representing in the back. It's an incredible person that can bring together such a group to fight ALS! Thank you <a href="/SteveGleason/">Steve Gleason - "Live Impossible"</a>. 
#nowhiteflags #als #Independencedrive #teamgleason
EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To say it was an honor to be at the Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony for Steve Gleason - "Live Impossible" last week is an understatement. To watch Steve drive his chair out using Independence Drive was incredible. Medal of Honor @independencedrive Alex Solleiro @teamgleason

I AM ALS (@iamalsorg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This past year we set out to change the world. We set out to make real treatments and cures. This year will be no different. ALS does not take a break, so neither will we.

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We really are honored to see videos of Independence Drive from users. It's just so wonderful. You can see the latest video on our FB community page. Join the discussion, learn more! #ALS #independencedrive #alstechnology #evergreencircuts facebook.com/groups/evergreā€¦

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out Scott as he uses Independence Drive! Thank you Tiffany and Scott for sharing the video! Want to learn more about Independence Drive fill out the form here: evergreencircuits.com/createaccount. #independencedrive #teamgleason #nowhiteflags #ALS

EvergreenCircuits (@evergreencircts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Evergreen Circuits is excited to announce that Tolt Technologies (Tolt Technologies LLC) has acquired the award winning Independence Drive technology and has integrated it with Ability Drive, their eye gaze driving product. For more information on Ability Drive see tolttechnologies.com.