Eugene Semenov, MD
Dermatologist @MGHmedicine, experienced in epidemiology, informatics, and health policy | views are my own
ID: 1027588047976783872
09-08-2018 16:10:57
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Excited to share our discovery of genetic susceptibility to prurigo nodularis w a measure of polygenic risk! So grateful for the incredible mentorship and collaborative spirit of Dr. Shawn Kwatra Eugene Semenov, MD Sasha Gusev jidonline.org/article/S0022-… Journal of Investigative Dermatology #dermtwitter

Congratulations to Guihong WAN, Mia DeSimone, MD, MPH, and the rest of the team on JAAD Journals study using #ML to predict metastatic recurrence from primary melanoma doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad…

🧵Some thoughts after attending today's 47-minute screening of Hamas's atrocities on Oct 7 at the United Nations, following a searing speech from Mosab Hassan Yousef - son of one of the co-founders of Hamas.

Had the privilege of being a part of a great session organized by Kenneth Y. Tsai on the 2024 Debates and give a talk on AI in Dermatology as well as participate on a panel on controversies in this field with Eugene Semenov, MD

Extremely proud of my research fellows, Bonnie Leung, Kimberly Tang, Hannah Rashdan, Katie Roster, and Ahmad Rajeh, who matched to dermatology this week. Excited to see where they will be training and for the future of our specialty. #Match2024 #dermtwitter

Excited to share our JAMA Dermatology viewpoint bitly.ws/3fSDp examining immunotherapy in localized melanoma. Big congrats to Hannah Rashdan in my lab for leading the piece, which was also a hot topic @ the most recent Melanoma Research meeting! Thx to Ade Adamson, MD MPP for his collab.

Today, I matched into dermatology at my top choice and dream program WashU Medicine Division of Dermatology 🥹 Alhamdullah I am beyond grateful to my mentors, my family, and everyone who supported me or just believed in me along this journey. Cannot wait to get to work! #Match2024 #dermtwitter

Still not over this week! 😍 Incredibly grateful and thrilled for the opportunity to become a dermatologist at Georgetown’s Med-Derm Program!!! To my friends, family, and mentors Eugene Semenov, MD Thank you, thank you, thank you!! DC here I come! #Match2024 #dermtwitter

Very excited to have matched into Dermatology at Vanderbilt!! Vanderbilt Health Big thank you to my family, friends, and mentors, especially Eugene Semenov, MD for the endless guidance and support!! #Match2024 #dermtwitter

Very excited to share our Delphi consensus guidelines to diagnosing dermatologic immunotherapy toxicites. Incredible team effort from more than 30 experts, including Steven Chen 陳持威, MD, MPH, MHPEd Kerry Reynolds, Jarushka Naidoo, and Nicole LeBoeuf.

A little late but over the moon to announce I matched dermatology Rush University System for Health!!! Thank you to all my family, friends, and mentors especially Eugene Semenov, MD for all the guidance and support!! #dermtwitter #match2024

Excited to announce that I will be starting my research group at Yale School of Medicine. If you are interested in epigenetics and cancer immunology (or know someone interested in these topics), reach out/apply: miceviclab.github.io/postdoc-positi… Please help spread the word!

Extremely proud of the team, especially Guihong WAN, Sara Khattab, and Wenxin Elmon Chen for our The Lancet Oncology study on multi-organ toxicities from checkpoint blockade, providing a roadmap for prognosticating outcomes via the lens of immunotherapy toxicities: tinyurl.com/yc3t7amf