Essa Aleassa MD
Emirati Advanced Foregut Surgeon (Bari+HPB+Transplant) at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi 🇦🇪 | 🇨🇦 Board in Surg | Cleveland Clinic Alumnus 🇺🇸 | #trailblazer ☺️
ID: 217367742
19-11-2010 10:04:24
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Join us this Wednesday 8/2 at 7pm 🇬🇧 for the latest instalment of the TUGSS HPB webinar; Interventions in severe pancreatitis. Speakers Alex Horton & Natalie Phillips #some4surgery E-AHPBA BASO~The Association for Cancer Surgery IHPBA GBIHPBA DutchPancreatitisSG PAINAP STUDY PANC Study PANCREAS SOCIETY GBI

And we are off! Great attendance and amazing speakers for our first session on CRC liver Mets. Gene mutations, laparoscopic Rxb, transplant and chemo. We got it all covered. Gonzalo Sapisochin Erin Baker Timothy Vreeland, MD and others. #ahpba23

Very nice review on trial design. Great article for trainees. European Journal of Surgical Oncology IHPBA SSAT Society of Surgical Oncology SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! ejso.com/article/S0748-…

Summary of completed and ongoing neoadjuvant trials for resectable and borderline resectable pancreas cancer. Julio Mayol Tom Varghese Jr. MD, MS, MBA, FACS, MAMSE 🇺🇸 SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! AnnalsSurgOncology Let's Win Pancreatic Cancer 💜 Mike Pishvaian PanCAN SURGERY Journal Shailesh V. Shrikhande IHPBA

Today is the day… 2nd meeting of the Global Guidelines on IPMN and Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas EPC-Europ Pancr Club IAP my_UEG E-AHPBA ESGAR Japanese Society of HBP Surgery CUpancreas CU Surgical Oncology #EPC2023

Read this new special issue published in Surgery: Liver-Directed Therapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases. Edited by Lee Ocuin spkl.io/60124i5ou Lee M. Ocuin MD, FACS

HPB cafe # 13 Happy to host Pr Timothy M. Pawlik 🗓️: 21/2/2024 🕗: 20:00 (GMT+4) (ET 11:00 AM) Now it is CPD accredited Zoom registration: us06web.zoom.us/meeting/regist… SQCCCRC Prof Fabrizio PANARO IHPBA European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) E-AHPBA ESMO - Eur. Oncology

Esteemed panel of experts discussing Malignant Pancreas Conditions. #GulfMENA_HPB Amal Suhool, MD, DES, DESC, MSc Mohamed Abu Hilal

1st RCT #robot vs #open #pancreatoduodenectomy is out: phase 2 #EUROPA trial The Lancet Reg Health-Europe ! Will be published with our invited comment Nine de Graaf 🔑 No benefits robot 🔑 Conclusion? Done early in the centers’ learning curve ➡️ 23% conversion rate 🔑 Phase 3 RCTs needed: