Carleton Esports
Official Twitter of the Carleton University Esports Club | #CUWIN🐦⬛
ID: 832321063375761409 16-02-2017 20:09:40
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Carleton Esports Esports at UCF Scripty only needs 10 seconds!⏳
Carleton Esports Esports at UCF MURKY BREAKING AXLES 😵
Our Varsity CS2 team will be facing off against Texas A&M Esports👍🎮 tonight at 10PM EST! Come catch the stream and support the team!🐦⬛ 📺
Congratulations to our League of Legends teams for their victories yesterday! Our Varsity team took a clean 2-0 against WKU esports Red While our JV Red team 2-0'd WKU esports Black!! Well done Ravens!! #CUWIN 🐦⬛
Today, our Varsity LoL team will be facing off against uOttawa Esports at 3:30PM! Come support our team and cheer us on for a #CUWIN 🐦⬛
Save the dates, Pandamonium against uOttawa Esports is BACK for another thrill-seeking, 3 day event!🐴🐦⬛ This event is proudly sponsored by Red Bull Red Bull Gaming Red Bullcanada @redbull - GIVES YOU WINGS!!🪽 📺 uottawaesports & carletonuesports