Erin Van Blarigan
Epidemiologist focused on health behaviors and cancer survivorship. Assoc Prof @UCSF_Epibiostat.
ID: 1372415078062989317
https://cancer.ucsf.edu/gi/survivorship-research 18-03-2021 05:10:35
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Tomorrow at 12:10! Amazing lineup of researchers talking about their digital health interventions Madelaine Faulkner Debby Oh, PhD DreamLab UCSF & Erin Van Blarigan (no Twitter!) epibiostat.ucsf.edu/events/digital…

BRP grantee Dr. Erin Van Blarigan is optimizing a remote intervention to improve nutrition and #PhysicalActivity in #ColorectalCancer survivors using the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST): go.usa.gov/xssr8 #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth UCSF Epidemiology & Biostatistics UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Ctr

#FightEAOCRC with researchers from all over the world. Join Fight Colorectal Cancer’s 2021 Rally on Research to address increasing rates of #ColorectalCancer in adults younger than 50. fightcrc.org/rallyonresearch #FightEAOCRC

March is #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth. We feature BRP grantee Dr. Erin Van Blarigan whose work aims to improve diet and physical activity among colorectal #cancersurvivors through #behaviorchange. Learn more: go.usa.gov/xzjdA UC San Francisco_EpiBiostat @UCSF

Healthy diet & exercise may prevent colorectal cancer recurrence. Volunteers needed to test tools to help survivors be fit. You can even participate from home! Email [email protected] with questions or visit toolstobefit.eurekaplatform.org to get started! Dana-Farber UC San Francisco

Eating healthy, being active, & maintaining a healthy body weight may lower risk of #colorectalcancer recurrence. Cancer survivors, doctors, & researchers are working to optimize a program to help adults w/ CRC eat well & be active. ⬇️ buff.ly/3SZYiOI Erin Van Blarigan

#BRPGrantee Dr. Erin Van Blarigan’s intervention aims to increase intake of whole grains and reduce intake of refined grains for colorectal cancer survivors of varied cultural backgrounds. #NationalNutritionMonth UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Ctr UCSFUrology Learn more: bit.ly/3z9XBKl

Exciting news from The White House - research with Instacart @ucsfcancer Erin Van Blarigan Sor Piawah @stanfordcancer & more to study impact of nutrition security interventions & food is medicine services on patient groups, incl individuals living w/ low incomes bit.ly/3FOxlIR