Erik Koffijberg (@erikkoffijberg) 's Twitter Profile
Erik Koffijberg


Full Professor HTA & Department Chair @UTwenteHTSR. Engineer. Using simulation and impact assessment for better patient & health outcomes at lower costs.

ID: 974355712133488640

link calendar_today15-03-2018 18:44:39

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Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) (@socmdm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There's still time to register for our virtual course on Discrete Event Simulation in R to support #healthcare #decisionmaking. We are looking forward to seeing you! 👉 ⏰ Thur 28 Feb at 7AM PST | 10AM EST | 4PM CET Erik Koffijberg Koen Degeling Michiel van de Ven

There's still time to register for our virtual course on Discrete Event Simulation in R to support #healthcare #decisionmaking. We are looking forward to seeing you!
⏰ Thur 28 Feb at 7AM PST | 10AM EST | 4PM CET
<a href="/ErikKoffijberg/">Erik Koffijberg</a> <a href="/k_degeling/">Koen Degeling</a> <a href="/mivandev/">Michiel van de Ven</a>
Gianluca Baio (@gianlubaio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are holding our first ConVOI webinar tomorrow 6 June. Natalia Kunst will talk about ConVOI, Anna Heath will present her tutorial for simulating study data and Chris Jackson will present his voi R package. Still time to register:

Erik Koffijberg (@erikkoffijberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#QuizOfTheDay hoeveel #chaos #vertraging en overvolle #treinen kun je hebben op 1 traject van Diemen naar Hengelo? #Spoiler: *bizar* veel NS online

Erik Koffijberg (@erikkoffijberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unieke vacature University of Twente (inactive) @HTSR voor een promovendus/PhD student in het Check@Home consortium voor impact analyse en optimalisatie van een landelijke screening voor hart- en vaatziekten, chronische nierziekten en diabetes type 2.… Dutch CardioVascular Alliance NL Heart Institute

Erik Koffijberg (@erikkoffijberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Er zijn nog enkele plaatsen beschikbaar voor de 2-daagse snelcursus #Doelmatigheidsonderzoek in de #gezondheidszorg! Schrijf je nu in en leer alles over evaluatieonderzoek, kosteneffectiviteit, budget impact en meer, via…

Er zijn nog enkele plaatsen beschikbaar voor de 2-daagse snelcursus #Doelmatigheidsonderzoek in de #gezondheidszorg! Schrijf je nu in en leer alles over evaluatieonderzoek, kosteneffectiviteit, budget impact en meer, via…
Erik Koffijberg (@erikkoffijberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you interested in optimizing innovation #impact? Join the free symposium "The Next Step in #HTA" on Friday 15 December University of Twente (inactive) (10:30-15:30) Registration: Followed by my inaugural lecture (in Dutch) Registration:…

Are you interested in optimizing innovation #impact? Join the free symposium "The Next Step in #HTA" on Friday 15 December <a href="/UTwente/">University of Twente (inactive)</a> (10:30-15:30)
Followed by my inaugural lecture (in Dutch) 
Decision Modeling Center (@dmc_amsterdam) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We had an inspiring day at Utwente in which we learned on the application of markov decision processes and that time is health. To top it off, Prof. Erik Koffijberg gave his inaugural lecture on optimization in HTA. Congratulations Prof. Koffijberg!

We had an inspiring day at Utwente in which we learned on the application of markov decision processes and that time is health. To top it off, Prof. <a href="/ErikKoffijberg/">Erik Koffijberg</a> gave his inaugural lecture on optimization in HTA. Congratulations Prof. Koffijberg!
Natalia Kunst (@nataliakunst) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m so excited to see this work being published! A big thank you to everyone who was involved for their extremely hard work! It was such a great delight and honor to work with such a wonderful and kind team

Erik Koffijberg (@erikkoffijberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Up for a new challenge in #healthcare? Check out our #PhD position in the Check@Home consortium focusing on evaluating a new nationwide CVD, CKD & DM2 screening program! Dutch CardioVascular Alliance Hartstichting Nierstichting Diabetes Fonds UMCG Maastricht University #vacancy…

Gianluca Baio (@gianlubaio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So exciting that we're sending the final version of our R in HTA book to the publisher! Hopefully very soon available online (for free) too! #rhta #costeffectiveness #modelling Howard Thom DARTH workgroup r-hta R-HTA in LMICs Taylor & Francis Research Insights and so many great authors!