Environmental Psychology Vienna
Environmental Psychology Research Group at the University of Vienna (@univienna) led by @SabinePahl. Curated by @LeonieFian
ID: 1443140405860737024
https://env-psy.univie.ac.at 29-09-2021 09:08:27
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20 Jahre #Mikroplastik-Forschung: ein internationales Forschungsteam mit Beteilung der Umweltpsychologin Sabine Pahl der #univie hebt in einer neuen Publikation die Dringlichkeit eines globalen Abkommens zur Eindämmung der Plastikverschmutzung hervor. 🧵 medienportal.univie.ac.at/media/aktuelle…
In einem Rudolphina-Gastbeitrag schreibt Thilo Hofmann (Thilo Hofmann), ebenso Teil des ECH, über den Einsatz von Plastik in der Landwirtschaft und zeigt dabei neben der aktuellen Unverzichtbarkeit auch Lösungsperspektiven auf. 🌐⤵ rudolphina.univie.ac.at/natur-unter-fo…
New paper on #microplastics out in Science Magazine🥤🗑️🐟 20 years after the 1st publication on microplastics, Prof. Richard C Thompson OBE FRS, Dr. Winnie Courtene-Jones, Sabine Pahl, Karen Raubenheimer & colleagues summarize what we have learned so far. ▶️science.org/doi/pdf/10.112…
Science Communication Center: Die Austrian Academy of Sciences, die TU Wien und die Universität Wien übernehmen ab 2025 die Aula der Wissenschaften - Mitten in der Wiener Innenstadt entsteht so das größte Zentrum für Wissenschaftsvermittlung Österreichs. 👩🔬👨🔬🤩 medienportal.univie.ac.at/media/aktuelle…
🚨Emission labels work in intricate ways Absolute emissions labels ➡️ more select lowest emission flight Relative/tree equiv. labels ➡️ fewer select lowest emission flight, as relative savings are larger for longer flights Adam Shier Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Soc. Environmental, Population, Conservation Psych #Div34Online
Interesting research on personal and #community motivations for adopting #energytechnologies by Daniel Sloot covering three European countries (Germany, France, Switzerland). Great to see more research on community aspects! 🔋 Soc. Environmental, Population, Conservation Psych #Div34Online
Throwback to #Div34Online conference Soc. Environmental, Population, Conservation Psych: Katharina Koller found that a role-playing game to discuss #GreenJob policies in Austrian schools fostered belief in #ClimateChange, but didn't significantly boost collective efficacy or action intentions. 🌍#ClimateEducation
Angst, Wut, Leugnung: Wie Menschen auf den #Klimawandel reagieren 😨 Der Klimawandel löst starke Emotionen aus, nicht nur nach Extremen wie Unwettern. Junge leiden meist besonders. Die eigene Psyche entlasten? Jana K Köhler @[email protected] verrät im DER STANDARD wie: ⤵ derstandard.at/story/30000002…
I had the pleasure of writing a chapter with Simone Kühn, Sonja Sudimac, and Moana Beyer on how using MRI helps to understand the link between the environment and the human brain. This would have been hugely helpful at the start of my PhD in environmental neuroscience. Check it out 👇
I'm happy to be currently spending a research stay Citizens Environment and Safety (CES) NTNU Trondheim & got to attend an inspiring event where young interdisciplinary #plastic scientists from the MAPLE project led by Francesca Verones reported on their research & reflected on their future visions.💭