Eisenhower Senior IB World School
We are Eisenhower Senior High School in Houston, Texas. We are proud to be a part of The Aldine Independent School District. #EisenhowerExemplifiesExcellence
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http://eisenhowerhs.aldineisd.org/ 21-02-2014 17:27:25
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We were so excited to see our Eaglette parents at our team meeting this week! #TheTeamBehindTheTeam Aldine ISD Aldine ISD Performing Arts Eisenhower Senior IB World School #eisenhowerexemplifiesexcellence #swoopnation #aldineforward

Can you tell we have some students to celebrate? Mandelé C. Davis is this excited about our students’ achievements. Eisenhower Senior IB World School XMR

Communication Skill Building.....BIG THANKS...Kerri Barnes, Jennifer Berryhill, and Adriana Gonzalez....Lone Star College

Professor Xavier T. Leading his classmates during a project at Lone Star College. Lone Star College Swoop

Universities around the world recognize graduates from International Baccalaureate schools as some of the best prepared to succeed in college! Aldine ISD has that choice for our students here in Eisenhower IB. Join us to learn more! Office of Transformation Dr. LaTonya M. Goffney Gaby Sierra

This is a Wonderful story about a Wonderous Band of like minded individuals at G.W. Carver HS and Eisenhower Senior IB World School in Aldine ISD. I am so proud of my STEM students and the brothers & sisters of the Divine 9 who mentor them!!! A Brotherhood Like No Other aframnews.com/a-brotherhood-…