Eduardo Benavidez (@eduardo30184480) 's Twitter Profile
Eduardo Benavidez


ID: 1671646106663415810

calendar_today21-06-2023 22:28:21

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55 Following

ThePipSquee (@squeepip) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m more worried about stubbing my toe and blaming it on Friday the 13th than fearing this so called “Day of Rage”. Armed people are protected people. Even if you disagree with the second amendment, it protects your right to your opinion. It’s like the GigaChad of amendments.

I’m more worried about stubbing my toe and blaming it on Friday the 13th than fearing this so called “Day of Rage”. Armed people are protected people. Even if you disagree with the second amendment, it protects your right to your opinion. It’s like the GigaChad of amendments.