EU Fundamental Rights ➡️ #HumanRights
The #EURightsAgency posts to make #FundamentalRights a reality for everyone in the 🇪🇺 EU. 📧 Contact: fra.europa.eu/en/contact
ID: 217422465
http://fra.europa.eu 19-11-2010 13:56:13
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Important meeting with EU Fundamental Rights ➡️ #HumanRights Director Sirpa Rautio at #BledStrategicForum. It is essential that we embrace our shared leadership and work together to effect change and improve #HumanRights protection across Europe. #BSF2024

On the margins of the Bled Strategic Forum, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani met with Donika Gërvalla-Schwarz, Deputy PM and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of the Republic of Kosova, Stephen Doughty MP 🇬🇧 Minister of State for Europe, Sirpa Rautio the Director of the

All actors, governments, tech platforms, #CivilSociety, should monitor access to, and the impact of, digitalisation on vulnerable groups, Roma, elderly and others who have little digital skills, says #EURightsAgency Director Sirpa Rautio at today’s #BledStrategicForum.

A study from Migration Policy Group, underlining the systemic #racism across Europe that #EURightsAgency research has long pointed to. We call on the EU & EU countries to step up efforts in fighting all forms of racism and related intolerance. For more see: europa.eu/!TXfCDY

#EURightsAgency Director Sirpa Rautio meets Vice-Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr and #HumanRights Commissioner Shams Asadi to discuss how Stadt Wien directly connects human rights to children and youth, housing, people in extreme poverty and more.