INTA Committee Press
Trade tweets from European Parliament. Managed by Eszter Zalan. RTs ≠ endorsement.
ID: 1197967508
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/inta/home.html 19-02-2013 16:49:55
3,3K Tweet
452 Following

🤔Do you want to better understand the #WTO Appellate Body crisis and what the EU has been doing about it?🌐 This European Parliamentary Research Service briefing provides a useful overview, including the EU's response and the European Parliament's position. 👇 europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/d…

🤔Do you want to know more about the 🇪🇺-🇺🇸 Trade & Technology Council #TTC, how it works, what it has achieved, and how it could be reformed? This European Parliamentary Research Service briefing provides a useful overview, including the European Parliament's perspective on it.👇 europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes…

❓When does the European Parliament have the power to give or refuse consent to the conclusion of an international agreement? Find out! ➡️The European Parliament's role in concluding international agreements wp.me/p2qdgs-h1R INTA Committee Press AFET Committee Press

Don’t miss this event on July 11 at 12:30 CET featuring European Parliament Chair of International Trade committee Bernd Lange INTA Committee Press Register 👇🏼

📣 Very grateful that I have been re-elected as INTA Committee Press chair 🙏 Whether it is the Green Deal, a proactive industrial policy or open strategic autonomy, none of this will work without a performing trade policy. There is a lot to do, let's get on with it! 💪

On 26 July 2024, after 5 years of negotiations, 82 members of the World Trade Organization (#WTO) reached an agreement on the first-ever global rules on electronic commerce Read more on the background, shortcomings, and future challenges ⤵️ europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/d… INTA Committee Press

Always good to first touch base with EU Mission to WTO. Thank you João Aguiar Machado for providing INTA Committee Press with the latest state of play.

Parliamentary dimension of trade more needed than ever in current geopolitical context. Dialogue + engagement are crucial. #WTO strategy launched by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala today key to reform + deliver on green and inclusive trade. Trade is part of solution to today’s complex challenges.

The WTO recently agreed 1st-ever global rules on electronic commerce But issues remain Find out why the agreement is considered 'stabilised' rather than 'final' wp.me/p2qdgs-hrm INTA Committee Press Bernd Lange