The European Migration Network is an EU network of migration & asylum experts who work together to provide objective, comparable & policy-relevant information.
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https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/content/about-emn-0_en 12-12-2018 18:32:45
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📢This week the European Commission adopted the Common Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum ✅At the EMN Belgium Presidency Conference experts will discuss how to make the operationalisation and implementation of the Pact a reality! Online ➡️emnbelgium.be/EUBEconf24
“The EU has faced unprecedented challenges in migration & asylum. But what I see most, is the joint will to come out stronger, and develop a more resilient, collective, and forward-thinking approach to migration & asylum.” - Welcome remarks EMNMigration High-Level Conference
With Nicole de Moor Filippo Grandi EMNMigration on the migration Pact. The challenge now is to turn thousands of pages of text into a practical reality on the ground. We will do so working hand in hand with our Member States. They can count on EU support every step of the way.