Elvira De Leonibus
Neuroscientist @CNRsocial @tigem
ID: 1379440566
25-04-2013 13:26:09
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Boost your career with a short lab visit! 🧠🥼🔬Funding is available for PhD students & postdocs in Europe through the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships. Learn more: ow.ly/WuwF50SPenv FENS José Luis Lanciego Domna Karagogeos Srikanth Ramaswamy Nassi Papoutsi

🌟 Apply for the #FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme and get ready to: 🌍 Visit another European lab 💰 Receive a fellowship of up to EUR 4,000 😍 Gain invaluable learning experiences! Learn more and apply by 15 October: loom.ly/zpZxxC0 IBRO - International Brain Research Organization

I learned from my teenage daughter the meaning of #gaslighting The good news is that the new generation of women is learning how to recognize #Gaslighting without formal training, probably Thanks to Netflix series UN Women World Women in Neuroscience Women in Learning Twitter Women

I’m proud to say that “Relating sex-bias in human cortical and hippocampal microstructure to sex hormones” is now out in Nature Communications 🥳! nature.com/articles/s4146…

A postdoctoral fellow position in the Huganir lab is available to image the dynamic AMPA receptor synaptic plasticity in synapses during learning and memory. Candidates with experience in in vivo imaging are invited to apply. If interested, please email CV to [email protected].

We all get the same feeling listening to The Cuervo Lab' speeches ❤️

The European Commission recognizes and encourages the implementation of Gender equality plan, but are they being implemented with concrete actions? 👇👇👇 Women in STEM Women's Brain Foundation World Women in Neuroscience UN Women ciolook.com/strategies-for…

This situation should shake the world! Camera dei deputati Giorgia Meloni