Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile
Dr. Drew Harvell


Marine Ecologist @Cornell and Science Envoy @StateDept supporting ocean biodiversity and conservation. Books #aseaofglass, #oceanoutbreak (DrewHarvell.com)

ID: 260006590

linkhttps://drewharvell.com/ calendar_today03-03-2011 01:12:18

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681 Following

MBARI (@mbari_news) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new look at footage recorded by one of MBARI’s deep-sea robots during an expedition to the Gulf of California has revealed a new deep-sea squid that broods giant eggs. Learn more: mbari.org/news/mbaris-ad…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such sensational videos of what Sir Alistair Hardy famously called "The Blue Fleet" and topic of my blog Voyage of the Blue Dragon drewharvell.com/2019/03/25/voy…

Pew Environment (@pewenvironment) 's Twitter Profile Photo

America’s wetlands provide over $7 trillion in economic benefits each year. But, from 2009 to 2019, we lost 670,000 acres of them —roughly the size of Rhode Island. 📢Urge your members of Congress to invest in conserving these critical ecosystems. pew.org/467sChF

Adam P. Summers (@fishguy_fhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looks like Dr. Karly E. Cohen and I will run our biological imaging apprenticeship course in the winter. 15 credits for 10 weeks of imaging biology using every technique we have available. SEM, CT, fluoro, histology, photography, and confocal. Wheeeeee!!!

Looks like <a href="/Karly_Cohen/">Dr. Karly E. Cohen</a> and I will run our biological imaging apprenticeship course in the winter.  15 credits for 10 weeks of imaging biology using every technique we have available. SEM, CT, fluoro, histology, photography, and confocal. 

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution reports 11 billion tons of microorganisms, crustaceans, squid, fish and gelatinous animals that live deep help draw down a third of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity, reducing catastrophic climate change. nytimes.com/2024/07/29/opi…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Near-disappearance of vultures in India 2 decades ago led to more than half a million excess human deaths over five years. Livestock carcasses, no longer cleared by vultures, polluted waterways and fed an increase in feral dogs, which can carry rabies.nytimes.com/2024/07/29/cli…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today Dr. Joleah Lamb, Phoebe Dawkins led our new study on same theme: Seagrasses filter human pathogens in US waters. 65% reduction of pathogenic bacteria in mussels in #PugetSound seagrass compared to mussels in no seagrass. Kudos #musselwatch and team. rdcu.be/dPLqh

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nature protecting Nature and People: Seagrasses reduce human pathogens by 65% in Puget Sound waters. Kudos The SeaDoc Society for the special #SalishSeaWild episode about our study with Dr. Joleah Lamb and Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources and team. youtube.com/watch?v=Mt3za0…

Olivia J. Graham, PhD (@o_jgraham) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Powerful #eelgrass is a natural biofilter for human pathogens! 🌊🌱🦠 Mussels in eelgrass had 65% less human pathogenic bacteria vs mussels w/out eelgrass around Seattle, WA 🤯 Kudos, Phoebe Dawkins Dr. Joleah Lamb Dr. Drew Harvell Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources NatureSustainability! 🙌 …-nature-com.proxy.library.cornell.edu/articles/s4189…

Colleen Burge (@colleenburge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Transmission of an eelgrass pathogen (Labyrinthula zosterae) occurs through the water column and at low doses. New paper lead by Morgan Eisenlord and co-authors including Tori Agnew-Camiener, PhD Alex Vompe Dr. Drew Harvell and others. Funded by Washington Sea Grant royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Sentinel #Eelgrass planted 100 meters from a meadow catch high disease. Kudos team @Colleenburge,Morgan Eisenlord,@Avompe,@agnewTori,@WaSeagrant. High infectivity and waterborne transmission of seagrass wasting disease | Royal Society Open Science royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SeaGrass Superpowers Discovered in Puget Sound. Eelgrass is a natural bio-filter for human and animal pathogens as shown by reduced bacteria levels in eelgrass mussels. Kudos Lynda V. Mapes The Seattle Times Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources Dr. Joleah Lamb seattletimes.com/seattle-news/c…

Olivia J. Graham, PhD (@o_jgraham) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The health of #seagrass may serve as a pulse-check for resilience 🌊🌱🩺 Conserving resilient meadows is key to future-proofing these essential habitats🌎 Read more here! 👀 doi.org/10.1093/icb/ic…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“The ocean is our life support system, and we’ve explored less than 7 percent of it,” Cousteau says. Meet the Ocean Pioneer Building an Underwater Research Station [Proteus] Near Curaçao by @https://twitter.com/nickolaushines matadornetwork.com/read/no-fixed-… via matadornetwork

Dr. Laura Mydlarz (@lauradmydlarz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New The Mydlarz Lab paper out! Emily Van Buren M.S. conducted an elegant study of genes involved in melanin synthesis in corals. We found genes for 18 melanin synthesis proteins that had functionally conserved domains to the human genes. academic.oup.com/icb/advance-ar…

Dr. Drew Harvell (@drewharvell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Forests of the Pacific Coast are the most carbon dense in the country, according to a 2024 scientific journal, and among the most carbon dense on Earth. WA’s older forests capture carbon better than nearly any other says Lynda Mapes seattletimes.com/seattle-news/c… via The Seattle Times

Olivia J. Graham, PhD (@o_jgraham) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to The San Juan Islander for highlighting our recent work on #eelgrass resilience! 🌊🌱 Terrific collab btwn academia, agencies, NGO, and citizen scientists🙌🤿 Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources #FriendsoftheSanJuans sanjuanislander.com/news-articles/…

Thanks to The San Juan Islander for highlighting our recent work on #eelgrass resilience! 🌊🌱 

Terrific collab btwn academia, agencies, NGO, and citizen scientists🙌🤿 <a href="/waDNR/">Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources</a> #FriendsoftheSanJuans
