Daniel Revillini
Soil ecologist. #MSCA postdoc @IRNAS_CSIC in #Biofunlab studying 🍇🍄🦠🌍. Capitalism & climate change are bad. I like mutualism & cooperation. #dirtgood
ID: 1251172767262801925
https://danrevillini.wordpress.com/ 17-04-2020 15:37:13
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In soil some bacteria are over 10x smaller than their neighbors which influences their physiology and trophic interactions. Our new paper discusses how the size and #biodiversity of microbes determines carbon use efficiency in #soil. …icro-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/14….

It was so great presenting at #iusscentennial I almost forgot to post about it! My talk (though lacking final results) generated some great discussion regarding the microbiome's role in sustainable viticulture... more to come! 🍇🍷🦠🍄🇮🇹 #BioFunLab #FUNVINE Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Happy to share a great collaboration led by Dongxue Tao, ManuDelgadoBaquerizo, Yingzhi Gao and others! IRNAS Sevilla BioFunLab We show that "intercropping can optimize crop use of phosphorus, and promote multiple important ecosystem services" shorturl.at/xooN9

New paper in Nature Plants we discuss Harnessing co-evolutionary interactions between plants and Streptomyces to combat drought stress Led by Dr Hongwei Liu with contribution from Jiayu Li Full article can be found here rdcu.be/dONMn We propose that advancement in

New @Biofunlab paper Root traits regulate the capacity of the rhizosphere to support multiple ecosystem services under intercropping and phosphorus fertilization sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Led by @Biofunlab PhD Dongxue Tao w/Guiyao Zhou Daniel Revillini & more! IRNAS Sevilla

📜🌽📜🌾 New in AEE we show crop root strategies (structural v chemical) can differentially shape microbes and soil ecosystem functions + intercropping/trait complementarity was best under sustainable management! sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Dongxue Tao w/ ManuDelgadoBaquerizo Guiyao Zhou +